My stomach muscles were tight. I was anxious. I had been on spring break from school and in trying to conserve gas, as gas prices are WAY too high, I opted to make the 40 minute drive only twice instead of the 5 day trips to work then stopping to visit them in between jobs.
It was only a matter of moments before I arrived but during then, I thought about how we might spend our time together, I wondered if they were both up, if they had eaten and if they hadn't, what could I make for them, if we would play Yahtzee or a card game. Maybe they had a new puzzle we could work on together....
Finally the last corner to turn on. I pulled onto the gravel easement road. One hand was on the seat belt 'clicker'. As I pulled into the carport I could see out of the corner of my eye, the side door to the house open. Tears of joy welled in my eyes. I wiped them away, grabbed my keys, purse and cell phone then headed to the open arms of the biggest part of my life......
Five minutes away....only this time it was in the opposite direction. I was heading back to my apartment. If only....but if only's are only wishes and wishes don't always come true. My stomach muscles were tight. I was anxious...
Out of all the parts of my life, being a mother is the TOPS.

One day I will be just like Elmer Fudd, owning a mansion and a yacht. My children and grandchildren will be with me.
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