He turned in my direction when he spoke. I looked back at him and for the first time in a very long time, I saw the scar on his forehead that seemed more prominent that it had.
Some scars are physical. I knew how he got the scar and the reminder of the incident, being on his forehead, would forever be a reminder to him. In his eyes I saw the inner scars and in his words and his voice at times, I could feel the inner scars from his life.

We share that in common, we both have inner scars which many people do. Scars that seem to leave an opening that never completely seals which leaves a person vulnerable in life.
I asked him to make me laugh. He did. He told me a funny story. I laughed and it felt good, kinda sorta like a release. I am not sure if he knows that his funny stories are like a healing balm...or does he
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