What I am going to write about today might seem unreal...just a fantasy. Truth is...every word I will write is truth, even if it seems not so. As I began to form the post into words, I found myself moving into a dream state, as if I myself could not believe it were true.
...and so it was, after 30 some years, they once again found each other. They were different and yet so much of what was (their love) still remained. As days, weeks and moths went by, their love grew more intense. The princess wondered how it could be. She often thought that one day she would wake to find it was all a dream.
The princess had lost her prince, her one chance at true love long ago. Now the door had been opened for them to love again. This time it would be forever.
...and so it was, the prince and princess took a ride...hmm perhaps it was on his white horse through the meadow. They talked, they walked, they laughed, they held hands, they gazed at the night sky and searched for star clusters having differences on what was the little dipper and some other constellation.
...and there it was, the Red Barn. Could it have been the prince took a piece of hay and twisted it in his mouth as he worded what he had so many times before, "which hand?" It doesn't really matter the setting because I assume at this point you have a vision of your own in mind. Her response was to point to his right hand to which she received a lid to a white box.
Hmmm then a giggle.
Again he held his arms behind his back and repeated, "which hand?"
Figuring their were no options left but the other hand, she pointed and received an empty white box.
Hmmm the lid fits perfectly. What a nice gift it was. Could it be the empty box was not quite so empty but a representation of all their life could be and it was up to them to fill it up?
With a sudden swoop of his hand he presented an open ring box to her, although upside down, it brought great laughter to the both of them. It was a promise ring. There, in the red barn the prince slide the promise ring on her finger and vowed a promise of his love to her now and forever.
And there you have it....the Red Barn Princess Promise. From that moment on, she would sail on the wings of his love as he moved her gently to his shore. She was to be forever safe in his tender arms. It felt as though they were surrounded by angels swaying in the air, blessing their commitment to each other. She knew that each day and each night, her prince would dance her through their life together, forevermore.
The End