Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cat Hair

That's what mom asks,

"What in the cat hair made you do that?"

"What in the cat hair is that?"

I suppose, if I took more time, I could recall all the variations of her questions but somehow, mom found the phrase, cat hair, to fit in each one.

I am familiar with cat hair. My sons have two cats. I have vacuumed cat hair from furniture. I have removed cat hair from my blouses with the lint brush. I have cleaned out the cat brush...yep, I would say I am experienced. Never once in all of those many moments in the presence of the real deal, did I EVER ponder using cat hair in a statement....go figure!

I spent a week with my mom this you already know if you have been following my blog. Hmmmm To be kind as possible and use the best words I know to share my family time with my mom this summer....

It was

an adventure



The not so positive words, but all the same, defining of my visit are...




Panic attack should fit in there somewhere. You are going to have to times all those emotions by 2 since one of my sisters joined me at my moms and shared the same physical and emotional ...hmmm sensations aka experiences.

If it weren't for the 2 of us, coincidentally being there at the same time, I'm unsure we both could have survived with the sanity we were left with, by day 8 - our last day of vacation.

I began writing this while sitting outside in windy Oxnard, Ca. at the airport while waiting for the shuttle bus to take me away to LAX where I am to catch a flight home to Grand Mound. ahhh home at last!

It was actually enjoyable having the breezes be the only sounds I could hear. Kinda sorta unwinding in the wind...giggle...before I hop on board the shuttle bus with a driver I know must of taken lessons on driving from my mom.

The plane ride - I suspect there will be a passenger near me that the Lord has preselected for our meeting. I wonder if I will find enjoyment in the flight conversation or will I slip on my head set and tune them out with my favorite song list.

Right at that moment though, my guess was as good as yours might be. Either way, I feel prepared.

Perhaps 8 days with my mom has strengthened me and prepared me more for life.

Hmmmm something not so grand is grand after all.


more....isn't there ALWAYS?

I am typing away on my computer keyboard, as I post this a week after my return from vacation. Thus, I now have the knowledge of who the Lord felt would be the most suitable passenger on the plane to be seated next to me.

Funny story actually. On the flight down to California, there were three seats in my row. I had preselected the window seat...I am the baby sister in the family so I felt it was the fair seat to have, as when I went on trips with my family in our Pink Rambler, I was painfully seated between my two older sisters. That all makes sense to you doesn't it?

On the aisle seat was an older woman, about my moms age. She had a carry on bag she had placed on the floor at her feet as she sat down. When the announcement came from the pilot to store our bags and purses safely UNDER the seat in front of us, she placed her two shoed feet on top of her bag. She then proceeded to shove and shove until her bag was tightly wedged...which led to many inner giggles for me later during the flight when she decided to check the bag to make certain all that she had placed in her bag was still there and not gotten who...I was unsure. Perhaps she watched the Twilight Zone episode about the space creature that pestered a passenger on a flight or even the Bugs Bunny episodes when the cartoon gremlin prankster messed with Bugs on flights.

However, Ms. Older Lady could not unwedge her bag. A man who was seated on the aisle seat opposite her, saw her plight. Wanting to be a kind gentleman, he bent down, grabbed a hold of the strap of her bag and heaved. The bag slipped right out. That is when the first giggle came that I HAD to contain within myself in order to not hurt her feelings. Ready for this? She turns to me and with a voice loud enough for the kind gentleman to hear, she said, "Did you see what he did? Did you see how he was so rough with my bag? If it gets stuck again, I am not asking him to help, would you mind helping me next time?"

My smile was huge because inside I was laughing. I suppose she took that as a smile of acknowledgement that, 'sure, I would be glad to.' What she didn't see or know was that when she sat back in her seat, the kind gentleman and I made eye contact and smiled. He knew. I knew. Most of the passengers on the plane with ear shot of her exclamation knew. I wondered how many were joining me and giggling within.

Now to my trip homeward bound. Three seats in my row, me at the window...where else? The seats remained empty until we were about to take off. Hurray, I can put up the arm rests and take over the whole area when we take off. But not so, just as I was working through the thought of if I could get away with turning my body so I could prop my feet up on the empty seats and write, I looked up and saw a group of men heading my way. Two stopped at my aisle. One sits beside me, the other on the aisle seat. bummer

I did what I do best and picked up my ipod and slipped in the ear pieces, turned it on and rocked out with Toby Mac. The men were talking kinda sorta loud to each other. I could not hear what they were saying but knew they were chatting. The next thing I know, the one in the middle gets up and sits behind us in an empty seat. Seems he had the wrong spot. I can deal with that. The guy on the aisle seat taps my shoulder. I took out an ear piece to hear what he had to say. He asks if I like the window seat. Well duh I thought. I was going to explain about the Pink Rambler trips but refrained and simply replied with a 'yes'.

The announcement came over head that we were about to take off and the other details they announce. A late passenger made her way down the walk way and sits guess where...yep, right beside me.

I could not help but notice that she had....TATTOOS! cool The ones I noticed were on her shoulders that were exposed due to the type of blouse she wore.

Hmmm I thought to myself. Then said "Thank you Jesus for letting this lady with tattoos sit next to me and should I take this as confirmation from you Loving Father in Heaven that you agree a tattoo would suit me nicely?"

I waited for the perfect time which was when they served us a beverage and snack to ask her..."So, I noticed you have a nice tattoo on your shoulder." She smiled and began to tell me about ALL of her tattoos and when she got her first one, how much pain some were and the ones she is still going to get. I heard about the why behind each one. I did not know that some tattoos have stories giving them more purpose than 'just cause I wanna'.

While we are on the subject and in conclusion to this posting, did you know that Tatoosh Island in Washington state is not Tattoo Headquarters? bummer :)

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