That is what you get to hear about today, stuff happening in my life.
I don't like and I do like my part time job. I miss the staff from my full time job but know that in a couple of more months I will be back with them again. Friendly faces carrying lattes while escorting children down the halls will bring me joy. Invites to get a manicure or go for ice cream on the weekend will be the conversations during break time. Students will share with me how they filled their days during summer break.
I am finally fitting in at my part time job. Co-workers are sharing jokes with me and inviting me to join them in conversations. Most of them are new high school graduates. I suppose that is why we don't have a lot in common. I am the newbie and they might think because I am a wee bit older than they are that we can't relate. I suppose it just took time for each of us to get to know one another.
Backing up - in June I flew south to visit my mom, sister and sister in law. My sister in law is too funny. I enjoy her friendship like no other. We seem to understand each other and to me, that is a rare find. So, I did have guilt but didn't have guilt as I went through this process --
We both decided to begin a more aggressive attitude towards exercise. We both struggle with weight...go figure! I have rolls of skin I can hide quite nicely in winter with sweat shirts and baggy sweaters. Summer wear reveals more of 'me' than I care to share. bummer
I like sleeveless blouses but my upper arms have grown some kind of foreign matter that flaps in the wind each time I lift my arm to give directions or wave hello to anyone. major bummer
So, she tells me about lifting weights and hands me a stack that was 4 feet high...just kidding...of VHS exercise tapes. A couple of them have a work out routine using weights to buff up your upper arm foreign matter...giggle
I would prefer to send the rolls of skin and flabby upper arm skin back to the planet they came from but it seems I am stuck with the whole package.
I accepted the advice and a few videos. I carefully packed them in my suitcase. Once home, back in Washington, I took them out of my bag, read more on the back of the cover what all the tapes could do for me. I placed them under the TV stand so I could get started right away. I put weights on my list of things to purchase on my next payday.
I week or two went by and the tapes still sat on the rug under the TV. I had not even slid them into the VCR to check them out. shhh, don't tell Patty. However, one day I got motivated. Are you as excited as I am?
I searched the house and found the cutest little basket. I waltzed...because a princess waltzes when she moves from room to room, at least that is the word on the street :), into the living room, picked up the exercise videos and placed them in the basket and set them back under the TV stand.
...and so it is, that is up until now, the extent of my new exercise routine. I figure the waltzing and lifting was a great first start. Don't you agree? I wouldn't want to overdo....
Backing up again but more to a present date. Thursday night I got home from work. I had a good day. The first one since I got hired on at a local department store. I have had a hard time fitting in as most of the employees are young girls fresh from high school. I remembered advice from my older sister when I was a teenager telling me not to trust anyone over 30. hmmm Seemed like sound advice at the time but as I aged past 30 I often wondered how she came up with that philosophy. Perhaps that is the same tad bit of misinformation those girls were given.
It felt great earning their respect, sharing a laugh or two and working as a team off and on during my evening shift.
The work day was finally over. It was 94 degrees that day. The store was not as hot as I had expected it to be. I got the work done that needed to be done which was the first time since working there that I was able to accomplish that task. I clocked out on time which was a good thing as I had been running late in trying to get my work done and clocking out a few minutes past my appointed time which lead me to a bit of a scolding. Seems corporate insists you clock in and out with one minute or two at the most, of your scheduled hour.
The ride home I had all the windows down. I did not care if my hair got messy. I was going home. The cool air felt great. As I took the off ramp from the freeway and headed down the street that leads to home, I pulled to a stop at the red light. Seemed the appropriate thing to do :) It gave me a moment to view the sky. In my view was a pink sky. I was pleased. It made me smile. I sent a text to a friend so they could share in the same joy, just in case they did not already know how lovely the evening sky was.
I took a giant gulp from my water bottle and thought I would gag. The once cold water was hot enough for coffee. It did not quench my thirst at all. How rude!
When I got home I got a cold drink, chatted with a friend, watched a video on the Chehalis flood from 2007 then made my way to the back porch around 11 pm. I sat in my Coleman camp chair which is as close to camping as this girl is going to get. I checked out the sky. It was filled with more stars than I knew existed.
What a wonderful way to end a pretty great day. I know you are bright enough to figure out that the picture below is not the sky I viewed last night but Van Gogh must of viewed kinda sorta the same night sky that I did last night. At least we have that in common...giggle
So, there you have it, 'my stuff' that I wanted to share. Thanks for stopping by today. Enjoy your day.
It takes time to adjust to a new job. I have been at my place of employment for three years and four months now. Getting to know people takes time too. Sometimes we can just hit it off with a certain person and then not with others..I know about my battle of the bulge..I LOVE SWEATERS>> they hide mine quite well..Lol! Don't know if you read my post on Leslie..I like her walking workout. I just need to get it in the machine...Are you set up to follow me? It doesn't look like it but would love to have you join me... (: