Hmmm I wonder if I obsess about being a princess.
Oh well, enough wondering...
I have a second part time job at a department store. The other day I was moved from clothing to the toys, lawn and garden departments so I can get to know the whole store.
Yippee! I can be among plants. I like plants, they always seem happy.
Yippee! No more picking up clothing parents have allowed their children to pull off the hangers - or did they.
As I straightened shelves in the toy department, I came across the little princess section.
Ooooo...princess shoes with foo foo. How lovely they were.
Ooooo...princess crowns with assorted colored gems. My how they sparkled.
Ooooo...princess clothing, some with pink, some with purple fluffy fur. Just the right colors and softness that I adore.
None of which mattered as I do not wear a child's size.
As I moved my way to other shelves that required my attention, my mind drifted back to the princess attire. Why - just because
...and so it was, I wondered as I too often do:
Do you suppose a princess wears her crown 24/7?
I might consider it
Do princesses really sleep on 100 mattresses all piled high with a pea under her pillow?
It might bruise my tender skin so I would opt out
Would a princess truly kiss a frog? If so, do they always turn into handsome princes?
Who me, kiss a frog...don't be silly
Is it true that a princess lives happily ever after forever and through eternity with her prince?
I am doubtful
Does a princess have the voice of an angel and sing songs in the woods among the tender creatures that live there while holding a blue bird on her raised finger while the bird tweets in tune with her?
I having issues with the whole scenario
Finally, do you suppose it is princess like to snore....
I suppose, only the chamber maid who waits outside in the hall, listening
for the bell that sits on the night table near the sleeping princess, to ring requesting her service, is the only one who knows for sure.
...and so I wonder if the chamber maid has ever been interviewed on Oprah... there I go again...wondering
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