Today I decided, was going to be a ME day. I can't recall the last time I ever had a just for me kind of day but it felt right and seemed like the timing was good. What better way to spend a crisp and clear Autumn weekend. I guess with all the responsibilities I have and with my stress level being a bit high, I felt it was a need kind of thing. Even though I will mention here, a friend of mine said a little stress in life is good.
hmmm I thought, then dismissed the idea ~giggle
I left home at my own pace. Rather nice feeling it was. There were some 'have tos' to do but I accomplished them all and felt good about leaving home with everything clean and in it's proper order.
My first stop was a store I rarely shop in. When I head into town I go to one store only...yes - Walmart. When I go, it is usually a hurry up thing. I have to get someone's prescription or a quick as possible grocery shopping trip and then hurry home to whatever or whoever is waiting for my return.

However, today I browsed through the store I stopped at. I like that word...browsed. It was SO FUN. I found some things to buy that I needed and some stuff just for fun. As I left the store I could smell the most scrumptious aroma coming from Starbucks but I was headed for a long road trip and did not want to have to make stops for coffee issues further down the road.
I then thought of a store I had never been to. A ladies dress shop that I heard co-workers chat about and have gotten coupons from there tons of times but never had opportunity to go...until today. I did the browsing thing but when I picked up the first price tag and saw the amount I tenderly let it fall back into place for some other life time. Oh well, the clothes were amazing and it was fun dreaming for awhile.
On the road again. When I left home it was sunny. I even washed my car which was an experience in itself. As I held the hose up to rinse off the soap suds it felt symbolic somehow. A cleansing of sorts as I washed away my yesterday which was a draining day. However, in Chehalis it was pouring rain. bummer The sky was dark. I was amazed that the weather forecast might be incorrect...this day seemed so far, to be filled with giggle moments.
I needed gasoline and forgot to stop at the place I was familiar with. Hmmmm this me day is going to have to include buying gas from a place I have never been to …

...and so I drive down the freeway and search for an exit to get gas. I see one that looks simple enough but as I took the off ramp I begin to wonder as all I see is a long windy road with tall trees. I have all day so I continue on down the long and winding road and no, I did not hum the tune to that particular Beatles song. As I round the last bend, I view a HUGE gas station. As if it were calling to me! I turn on my blinker and drove in as if I had never had a concern at all as to where I was going.
Back on the freeway again and feeling wonderful as I listen to some great tunes from the By Jeeves Musical, and know that I am on my way!
Day 2
Funny but not so funny, today on a quest, I ended up...you know..kinda sorta lost. shhhh - and in Renton of all places.
Not long ago and not so far away in time, I was lost in Renton and found a bat had decided to befriend my car. I knew the bat had not

I am happy to report that after a moment of negative thinking - "I'll never be good at this driving thing," I decided making U-turns and NOT giving up worked best. I found I enjoyed the field trip in Renton, found the location and felt successful in many ways.
Day 3
I wake and see through the openings between the slats of the blinds, the sky is clear again today. I don't see any birds and wonder if they are out there somewhere, nestled in trees waiting for me.

There is a vapor rising from the space heater. I watch it for a time and recall the long, long hot summer road trips of my youth to Lousiana. There wasn't much to do during those hours while I sat semi squished between my two sisters in the back seat of our Pink Rambler. I remembered entertaining myself by watching for the same kind of image as the heat rose on the highway blacktop.
Fun memory from those trips and my dads far too in between fine moments was when on those endless barren stretches, he would speed up when a hill was approaching. On the decent, the Rambler would kinda sorta give us that fun tummy sensation like you get from a roller coaster ride.
We girls would go "oooooo" in harmony. Mom would turn her head and give us a smile. Dad I don't know about. He must of wanted to keep his emotions under control while he loved on us.
Meanwhile, missing the birds and wondering if they were waiting for me, I grabbed my robe and headed for the coffee pot, poured myself a cup and opened the sliding door and took my place on the porch.
Once again the full moon was there to greet me also. Two days in a row now, can't beat that! How

Yesterday was a busy day. I like busy. I don't enjoy overload, there is a difference.
The day ended in a gathering of old and new friends. Music was playing, people chatting, laughing and some were dancing. I have been moved by some songs to want to dance but, ehhh, not ready to go there yet. A princesses moves across a dance floor should be graceful as if she were floating. Me, being out of practice, I had a concern that my feet would not be following my brains commands.
At the end of the night there were the good byes. Even though I hardly knew some of these people, we had shared a few great moments. My heart was finding it to be a difficult process.
So as our time ended, I felt a peace as my eyes scanned the friendly faces and my heart was light.
...until we meet again.
more on my me trip tomorrow
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