Monday, July 19, 2010

The Day After

Yes, Friday was quite the day for me in my neck of the woods. Then came Saturday...

I needed some alone time. It refreshes me, making me a better person - I hope.

The past couple of weeks, negative emotions have been building inside. Old patterns are returning to my world, heart and mind. Mostly because I keep my thoughts bottled up, seems I exist in a more survivable mode that way.

I got in my burgundy car - I love my car - headed for the freeway, clicked on the cruise last, I am in charge of something. I would have clicked on auto pilot for Mossyrock but knew that was crazy talk.

I felt free. I felt peace. I suppose driving alone with no pressures, no expectations to live up to, other than my own, felt grand.

The 40 minute drive gave me time to think and breathe. I looked forward to seeing my sons. Since school let out in June, I haven't seen them as often. My summer job is near my home and keeps me busy so taking the long drive to Mossyrock has been a bit of a chore.

My children, all five of them, are my life. They fill me up with a special kind of love. They accept me as I am which is really rather amazing.

Each time I'm with my sons, I feel their unconditional love.The bond we have built over the years, grows stronger with each passing day, as if nothing could separate us.

My youngest son, who is 14, told me on Saturday that he was glad I came. He said, "You must of known that I needed you. I needed to feel glad. You make me glad."

Ahh, child birth was worth the pain.

More tomorrow on there is always more...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you have five children..I do too! We got a visit from one of my son's and his son who is nine..It was so nice to see them! Ok to post a picture go to design and then where it displays edit this and that you will want to go to header. You most likely will go to advanced templates or something of that sort and change background too to go with your picture. While in the header area it will allow you to upload a pic.. Preview your blog first and see if you like it or not. If not you keep changing until it suits you..I find it fun to change and I already have another idea, but will sit on this one for awhile..If you need help let me know.. (:
