Monday, November 22, 2010


I sit here, on the couch with laptop in lap. I have to prop a pillow behind my back as this couch must of been meant for someone with long legs. :)

It is only 3:20 in the afternoon but it feels like I have endured a few days worth in just the few hours I have been up.

The morning started off pretty much with routine stuff, that is until I headed out to my car. I had sat in this very spot in the early hours of this Monday morn, deciding that going out and start my car early to warm it up was a good idea. Then about 6:15 a.m., when I was about to leave for work, I realized warming my car up ahead of time, was not going to happen. There is always too much to get done in the bit of free time that I have. Oh bother


I had checked my email, replied, clicked send, only to find the screen turn to a transparent color. Hmmm Seems the internet shut itself down. I spent a good ten minutes turning on and off the internet box, (that's what most women do when things don't work right...giggle). I gave up, took a shower and got dressed. In the meantime, a friend I send text messages to each morning, was today of all days, sending me more than the norm. Seems she had a lot to say. Mostly she was telling me songs I needed to listen to. I took time in between there to jot down the songs to check out later...when I had time - as if that were a possibility! :)

...and so it was, I had my purse - check. Coffee cup - check. Keys in hand - check.

I head out the door, locking it behind me. As I opened the entrance door of the apartment complex, I noticed my car was shimmering. Oh goodie, I get to drive to work with bling. I like bling! I attempt to insert the key into the lock. Hmmmm -it was a no go. I remembered that a friend had told me to heat my car door key up with a lighter so I gave it a try. Tada, it worked!

Part two as there is always more when I tell a story. The door is unlocked but the door refuses to open. Seems the 29 degree weather causes car doors to stick. Hmm....can't use a lighter on the door now can I....... I pondered the thought then gave the door another pull, and another. The door opened with a frosty crunching noise. It was too funny and a neat story to share with someone but no one was around and texting was out of the question.

I get in drive down the road and make a quick stop to pick up a salad for lunch. I have a standing lunch date with a co worker on Mondays and we always have salad. What should have been a few minute stop turned into a too long wait. Seems other folks have figured out how nice it is to shop early in the morning. How did my secret get out?

I am heading to work at that point, letting go of the minor frustrations of the morning. Snow is falling and as I reach work, the snow is thicker and more steady in its arrival. I dismissed the snow knowing I had a day off from my second job so no rush in getting home. I did not have to let the worry of a lot of snowfall concern me. I was planning to stop to visit a friend then was heading to the home of another friend for dinner. What could be a nicer way to end a day?

My morning job keeps me hopping from building to building. I have no particular place to keep my things (a girl 'gots' to have things), so I lug them along with me on my travels. At midway through my day, I stop for lunch and check my phone messages. The gal who was suppose to work for me Monday night at my second job, leaves me a message that because of the snow, she can't make it to work. My lunch time is short so I rush to make phone calls to cancel my 'me' time. I ran out of time so I headed back into work without even taking one bite of my salad. Oh, I forgot to mention, the gal I have lunch with on Mondays is absent. Argg. However, the up side to that is I had time to make the needed phone calls.

A couple of hours before work is over, several employees came to me stating the highway is covered in snow and is only going to get worse so I should head out early in order to make it to my second job. That meant a lot of arranging, looking around for a sub, letting other staff members know I would be gone....

I was already tired from working a longer than normal shift the night before, now for certain my brain was weary. In between I was getting more text messages and a frantic phone call from my mother, to respond to. I handled what I could and decided to focus on the tasks at hand rather than let my mind wander into the feelings that were emerging. I quit calling for Calgon to take me away. Now I have the airlines on my speed dial figuring some day they will allow a flight to Cancun take me away.

Things were in somewhat order, I take off from work and see that the roads are not as bad as stated. I did slide a bit here and there on slush but nothing major. I got home, put groceries away - did I mention that stop - put my laundry in the washer, made a few more phone calls and sent a few more text messages to settle a bit of chaos.

I have thirty minutes before heading into work at my second job. I fear if I sit here much longer, my head will begin to lean and I will fall into slumber land. I feel better getting my too busy day into words so I get let it go and get on with the rest of my day.

I have decided to focus on work for now and when my shift is over, I will come home to my new bestest friend, my bed! My bed never asks anything of me. My bed is always waiting for me. It keeps me warm. When I want to feel protected from the world, I pull the covers up tight, snuggle in, lay my head on the soft pillow, close my eyes and find rest. ahhh rest

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