How do you cope when people snap at you. Is that the word you use...snap? Not that I see teeth and invision an alligator or giant sea turtle snapping in my direction but hopefully you get the idea.
It always comes out of the blue when I least expect it. Kinda sorta like in the old days when I would be playing my favorite 45, suddenly the song is met with a skip due to playing it too often. The flow of the mood is interuppted. I can't enjoy the moment any longer. I know I needed to move on so I would take the record off the player and search for a new one in hopes of bringing back the joy.
You can't dismiss a person in that same fashion. If I lift the needle off 'the record' I doubt it would be of help.
So I shut down. I then ponder in my brain what I might of done or said that caused the snapping in my direction. I always find the fault lies with me so that is my natural course of thoughts. Frankly I don't hear much else of what they are saying because my inner record is stuck!
I then agree with Pooh Bear...Oh bother
I know I am cared for but the words that were snapped aren't received in my heart with love. Hmmm So I battle with the feelings I have inside and try not to let it show. I guard myself with positive self-talk. It doesn't seem to help.
Hours later I am still wondering what it was all about and begin praying the moment won't rise again. I dwell on it and ponder what I can do different the next time so I don't get dished out the same service.
There you have it. My thoughts for today, like it or not.
The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

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