Along the I stopped for McDonalds. The boys rarely eat fast food so I knew it would be a treat. Here is the bummer thing about McDonalds I thought that you should know. I ordered burgers and three bags of fries. I opened the bag to confirm what I ordered was actually in the bag. If you have ever gone through fast food drive-through, you know that sometimes you find while on the road, that one or two of the items you ordered is not there. At that point I don't turn back, I resign myself with doing without and grumble as I continue on my drive. So, I check it out. Yep, everything I ordered is there.
That is not the end of the story...
I discover a few fries had fallen out of the bags. Hmmm what to do, what to do. Since I don't know which bag of fries they fell out of and not wanting to take time to count or hold the bags up to kinda sorta measure their weight, I did what anyone would have to do in such a circumstance...I ate them! So my warning to you is, if ever ordering for others at a fast food place, come with an appetite for loose fries. I know, you feel bad for me, having to eat fries when it was not my intent but a mom has to do what she has to do :)
I cross over a bridge on the highway just before I make the turn onto Winston Creek Road. From there I can see the dock that is at the end of our property. A tree had fallen over from our last wild wind storm. Only a few bare branches were sticking out of the water. My mind drifted to kinda sorta how I have been feeling. Numb..which reminded me of the winter state of the tree. In water that is almost over my head due to my current life situation and being in unfamiliar territory. And just as the tree branches stretch up as if for air or sunlight, I too have been grasping for order, air, sense of it all and peace of mind.
The lake is way down making way for snow run off too keep the waters edge from flooding. You can get a view then of ground that you usually don't see in summer when the water is up to the edge. For the past couple of months and I suspect for the next few months more, my life and some of those close to me in my life have been also revealing parts of them that they have kept hidden. My assumption is hurt and confusion can bring out the worse in people. Words are said and actions are done that are so unlike our character.
I drove into the driveway and was filled with hope that my time with my sons would be good. Tis true, I had a great time. David always has the latest energy drink and saves the last one for me. He is so cute. Eddie fills me in on the latest of happenings in the house. I take it in stride as he tends to embellish. Of course his stories are entertaining with the added embellishments so I listen and find myself moving into his world. I adore his flair for fantasy. Brian is the take charge, take care of me kid. We have a bond that I hope never fades. He checked the oil in my car, filled up the water for the windshield washer and measured my windshield wipers as I needed to buy new ones. The boys told me they miss my casseroles. I miss cooking with them so we marched to the kitchen, searched the cupboards and fridge for ingredients and whipped up a fine dish for their dinner.
It was a good feeling, spending time with them. It filled the emptiness that had been yearning inside of me. I guess I am a mom at heart.
I headed back home with a light heart and a smile...OK a song or two also but I hesitate to mention that because my singing voice is not so great. I don't hear it when I hit the wrong note or sing the wrong words to a song. You would and that would make the moment not such a pretty image.
I made a pot pie. I checked off most of what was left on my to do list and settled in for the night under the comfort of the burgundy blanket and watched a Haley Miles movie called Castaway. Even as I headed off to bed, my heart and mind were still laced with today's memory making moments with my sons. I knew I would sleep well.
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