Monday, April 19, 2010

Bunny Trails

I love all of my friends. You too? Cool!

The other day I spent time with one of my friends. As you read on, you may laugh become confused or perhaps find you can relate to the joy and hmmm entertainment my one friend adds to my life.
...and so we sit across from each other at the table, munching snacks and chatting. Forgetting the world I enter when I do this...I ask my friend a simple question, expecting a simple answer.

...and so 30 minutes later I am still listening and yet waiting for the answer. HOWEVER, in the meantime, I have learned how to play a Star Wars boards game, of travels they have made, attitudes of an old acquaintance of theirs, to where everyone stood at an event they attended some 15 years previous. Oh ya, did I mention I also learned during that time that they have a storage unit in Butte, Montana? None of which were an answer to my question.

Suddenly my friend stopped talking, put on reading glasses and began to get back to their task of sorting photos.

...and so I said, "Nooooooo, you didn't answer my question."

"Oh ya"....

An hour or so later, I still did not have an answer and yet I dared not ask again. At that point my body was tired from sitting so long and my legs were worn out from all the bunny trails we traveled together. Bunny trails - when someone is talking on one subject but that one leads them to thinking of other things ... so they move to talk about that and so on and so on.

All in all, I enjoyed the road trip along all the bunny trails in conversation. I learned a lot. I got to spend some quality time with my dear friend. It was a priceless moment.

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