...and so he asks me...
"What now?"
So I gave it thought for two days. I knew how he wanted me to respond. I knew he wanted me to tell him that everything he knew as truth would be just so.
Life isn't like that sometimes. Things change. People change...hopefully for the better.
After the waiting and wrestling with not wanting to interfere with his well being and yet, for a rare time in my life, concerning myself with my own well being, I responded by saying,
"I plan to live my life doing more than merely surviving."
I am unsure how he will respond to that or if he even will. He has a lot of opinions so my guess is that I will hear something back from him soon.
Will I have a response? Doubtful. I give everything too much thought.
Life is one wave after another. Some slowly make their way to the shore and feel soothing on my skin. Other waves move in with force and sting my skin.
Either way, I find ways to survive, that is just my nature.
The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

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