I get glimpses of my sons.
Every other day after I get off work I stop by the house to visit with my sons. Sometimes they are there, sometimes one or two of them are off to a friends home or at work.
Hmmm ....too short are the glimpses now that I get into the lives of my sons. I miss out on the pages in between my visits. How can you get a view into those moments you miss?
Somedays it's all good and we sit and chat and giggle and even tease the cats. Somedays there is an awkwardness that does not go away. I am unsure why or where it stems from and suspect they feel the same way.
My boys get a glimpse into my life when I drop by or take them out for shopping or lunch dates. I wonder if they find those glimpses kinda sorta like puzzle pieces. If so, they would not have the full puzzle to view since they aren't around me during all of my day.
Hmmmm...days - life - too short to fulfill all that I wish I could do and be.
The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

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