The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Going places
Friday, May 28, 2010
The 'D' Day
About a month or so ago, someone I know, discovered that I pass them each morning on the road as we each head in opposite directions to work - which is much like a description of our relationship.
That is about the time when my kinda sorta calm 40 minute drive to work became - well - kinda sorta unsettling.
The dry heaves had entered my morning commute which was a customary routine during the last year or so when I was still living at home. I was unclear why they had returned. At first I gave thought to the 3 or 4 cups of coffee I down before and on the way in to work. HEY, what else would YOU drink at 4:00 a.m.?
Then it came to me...I also am suddenly filled with anxiety when I reach a certain section on my morning route. My cheery, perky mood becomes a sad face and sore eyes from crying and having dry heaves right about the time I am passing where I use to live.
It's my fault - as usual.
It's my nature to blame myself.
It's in my character to dish out kindness instead of harsh words. You know - kinda sorta lift people up - even those I might like to lift up and heave over a fence.
So for me to deliberately do or say hurtful words or things is out of my comfort zone.
This is the intro to the 'D' word. D I V O R C E
I have been separated for 6 months - May 21st.
Since then, I have learned how to...
find adventure
establish my own bedtime
and eating habits
pamper myself
and smile
This Saturday, today, is the day I am going to tell my sons and husband (as I hand him the papers) of my intentions, desire, want and need. It is all of those things. It also feels selfish. Am I giving way to crazy talk? Perhaps, but all the same, that is how I feel.
So, knowing my intent now for these past few weeks, I have found passing his house each day and having to wave as we pass, has brought on minor panic attacks.
The blessing is that I love my job and adore 80% of the people I work with. I am able to be filled up with joy, love, smiles and hugs from friends and as always VERY entertained by the students.
Part 2
...and so on my way to work Thursday, just after I pass you know who, I suddenly spot one of my sons driving in my direction as he heads to work.
I wave
He does not see me or respond
As a joke between us, I text him and ask why he didn't respond with a smile and wave when we passed just now.
His response:
"How do I know its not just some weird old lady? What would she think?"
I continued on my drive, taking the last turn onto the road that leads to my work. I had a giggle that my son provided and knew that the kids would soon be arriving. I have belief that the path ahead of me will bring me clarity and endless joy.
It is well with my soul
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Facing My Life
alone and never fill the longings of my heart.
without ever feeling the healing warmth of your arms holding me.
without dreams or wishes I make on the stars that fill the night sky, even though at times, the stars seem so very far away and out of my reach.
without knowing the thrill of what could be.
without many things...
I could survive that way.
I could carry on.
But now I know, I can't...
face my life tomorrow without your holding my heart.
live a day without you.
For now I know...
There is no night.
There is no day.
If your arms are not - there holding me.
No, tis true, I can't face a day without you.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Afternoon Was Blue
Sunday morning, after getting out of bed, I poured myself a cup of coffee and traveled out to the back porch and sat on the steps. It was nice out.
I noticed the Gerber plant had two new buds!
That caused me to smile.
My poinsettia that has endured my tender care but not so green thumb, has somehow survived, sprouts new growth and seems quite content to be living among the other treasures that live on the porch.
I felt something tickling my toes. I assumed it was a spider. There are far too many baby spiders being hatched on the outside walls of the duplex I live in, at least in my opinion. Every time I help them to spider heaven, wherever that may be, I think of Charlotte and wonder if she would weep in disapproval.
However, this time it was not a spider but sprinklings of rain. My toe nails, that are already sparkly, were even more glistening from the moisture the sky was providing.
It caused me to smile.
I listened for my animal neighbors and their sounds. They must sleep in on Sundays. As I was washing my car on Saturday, I had heard a new sound. It was either a goat or sheep. Ok, so I am not a farm girl...does wearing pigtails count? Anyway, I did not hear the donkey at all during the time I was outside yesterday but I did hear the goat/sheep. I visioned the donkey somewhere in that same pasture with its head down pondering his position of love and care now that he was sharing time with a new family member.
I scooted up the steps and seated myself on the carpet just inside the room. My feet were now on the dry step that is shelted by an overhang. I took a sip of coffee. It was still hot, just the way I like it.
It caused me to smile.
I thought about all the tasks I had accomplished yesterday. It made me feel good inside.
...and caused me to smile.
I gave thought to the trip I will be taking next month to visit my mother and sister in California and felt my heart miss a beat with excitment. I thought about the students I will be seeing tomorrow at work and how in a few months they will be moving on the first grade, making way for a new set of young people to grace their chairs in my classroom next fall. I thought about the upcoming cooking dates I have set up with my sons also.
It all caused me to smile.
Most of all I smiled because it felt good and like a healthy thing to do. Too many days in the past, and there are even days now, when I wonder if the world is upside down or am I? Now that I am in the midst of a new awakening and more clear from the fog that kept me caged for so many years, I find I am in a constant state of discovery as I make my way in this world.
Do you ever feel that saddness, sorrow and bad happenings hover just above the earth, waiting for an unsuspecting human to land on? Maybe looking for someone with too much joy or someone who is vulnerable to a life tornado - leaving behind destruction that cannot be repaired - to enter their life. I feel I have been living in the path of a storm that I didn't see coming, nor did I know it would last so long.
I heard it stated that sometimes life draws out like a long blade and while at other times, life allows you to draw in a deep breath and soak in the colors of the season. I must say that I can relate to that theory.
There are times when I can't hold a thought in my head or gain sanity when I most need it.
That afternoon arrived coated in blue for me as my head filled with thoughts of a task that I needed to complete in order to gain closure.
I don't merely want to survive anymore so I drew my thought process to take hold of a word - HOPE. There is a road that lays before me. I know it will be a long journey. My hope is that the journey will be filled with days of less storms and be more filled with love, joy and peace that I long for and selfishly feel I deserve.
My future - it is uncertain, but then who of us knows any of our tomorrows for sure? I only know that I am purposefully working to make my days ahead as splendid as my dreams say they can be.
...and never give up hope
...which causes me to smile
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I have not worn jewelry in a long time. Mostly because I just didn't feel like I deserved to look nice and on a lot of days, I was too depressed to care so why bother... But lately I have ventured into my jewelry boxes and found that along with a large selection, I also have found memories and much more...
I have been spending time with friends which is a new world for me. I was called on Saturday to join friends for lunch at the last minute. In the past the lunch date would not have been a possibility. It has been as if I entered a new world. In a way, I suppose I have since so much inside my head and heart have changed along with the world that surrounds me.
It is summer time,
Today I selected an ankle bracelet to wear. It didn't fit. Too small. Hmmm How could that be? Then I layed out all the bracelets and saw that two or three were much shorter than the rest. That is when it came back to me that I had a few bracelets for my wrist tucked away in that same box.
What a delight to have found the hidden treasure.
Lately my life has been just like that - days when I find hidden delight. So much so that on some days I feel like singing while I twirl barefoot on the lawn, feeling the grass beneath my feet - which is really a very splendid sensation.
Isn't life grand at times?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Echo In My Soul
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hey You...
What exactly the other side is can only be described as a flip flop of the life I was attempting to survive through.
Today my ponderings are on - if life on the other side is what I am actually living, a place where I breath and feel alive, or is it just dreams in the sky and wishes on stars at night?
Somedays I am scared. Not where I scream or tremble, just think thoughts of being lost and moments of confusion.
However, I know you do know me and "you love me still." I wonder if you ask yourself if it is worth it all - the trials that surface. Do the triumphs X out the trials?
So many memories and so many miles we have each separately traveled on the roads that now lies behind us. We have each experienced moments of laughter and nights filled with tears. Seasons of storms have passed through our life making us stronger and more ready for what lies ahead.
No matter, I embrace the mystery of the reasons for the past and contemplate how strong and capable I am starting to feel.
And now, here we are - re-united.
I am here now.
You are here now too.
Friends for life. Please know when you feel as though you are walking in a valley, if you reach for me and take my hand, I will carry you to the mountain top. I know you would do the same for me. Friends do that for each other.
I feel like I am dancing on the wind. It takes my breath away. Your love makes me able to overcome all circumstances and each time I feel my heart break. When I find I can't stop the rain or turn the tide, you are always within reach. When I look in your eyes, I know everything will be alright.
There is no other place I'd rather be than with you. You are the fire that warms my heart. A single day without you would be more than I can bare.
I just wanted you to know..... :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Morning Commute
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Have you ever...
That is the situation in my life right now. The path feels so right. I have sent up my concern in prayer to the Lord and feel that I have confirmation that what I have chosen is right for me. Signs are everywhere and have been all along that what I am doing and where I am going is where I need to be.
And yet, I find myself looking back down the path from time to time. Not to return to where I was yesterday, but to keep making certain that my choice was the right one for me.
Mostly I do that because of others. Those who wish me to follow their plan for my life. Those who like to manipulate. My life has been full of manipulators. When I was young, it was impossible for me to deceiver the difference and so I went along with other peoples plans for my life. As I aged, I continued to be naive and fell into a pattern of allowing others opinions to move me in directions that caused me discomfort.
I am learning to make my own choices. I feel more and more comfortable in my skin, in my walk and in my heart. I like myself more. Does that make sense?