Monday, December 20, 2010

Who Really Knows

Here I am again, facing another day holding onto words that I should have spoken and an overflowing handful of things I need to do but the words I try to speak don't seem to form. I am having difficulty expressing my desires, my needs and feelings. What is with that?

A lack of time keeps me from tending to tasks.

I have a flash light - in case I get lost in the dark.
I have my family and friends - who remind me who I am and that I am loved.
I have a compass and a globe - I even have a gps but I still get lost sometimes.

Life I found, has a way of speeding by and does not slow down long enough to wave. There is a place where time does stand is under glass and inside of a frame. I don't want to stand still but I do wish time could slow down a bit, giving me opportunity to jump on the highway of life.

And if I had my way, that highway would take me along a path where nothing shatters and breaks, hearts don't hurt or ache. There would be mountains to climb and rivers that flow, lakes that lay still like sheets on a fresh made bed and mirror the hills and tall green trees. The weather would be my choice...or yours. I could come as I am, whether in levi's and shirt or a party dress and heels. I would be accepted...just as I am. I would walk a contented step or two as I listen to ...

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