...and so it was, we were reading about the Renaissance, Elizabeth I, understanding negative exponents and converting scientific notation to standard form when my son asks of me...
"Why do I need to know these things? What is the purpose of these lessons?"

Being the me/mom that I am, and wanting to bring joy in our moment together, I responded with the most logical thing I could say...
"It's all about you and moi' my son. Don't you like spending time with your mother doing home work? Wouldn't it be boring and what would you gain if instead, you were alone in your room or with 'just friends' playing video games?"
All this I said with a smile. The kind only moms know how to give to their children when they are graciously making a point.
Meanwhile, the puzzled look grew to a weary, head dropping, not again, please spare me mom, face on my son. Which I could not leave be, so I concluded with more since I had his attention and time.
"Mommy loves her Baby Davy."
To which, even with his head lowered, I spied a slight smile.
Ok then, life lesson for me. Why must there be lessons to learn in this life when at the time, I see no purpose?
Why Lord, am I learning now a lesson on patience when You know I have taken that course and have file cabinets full of Patience 101 facts. I don't need more lessons, let's move on already...
I'm losing my patience....

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