~~Along the way, I viewed a hitchhiker in the back of my car from my rear view mirror.
Ok then. I'm lost. Probably will get a hard time from someone when I get home - which I did. I've got to figure out, on my own, where I am and how to get home.
...most importantly, how to get rid of the hitchhiker.
Are you worried - concerned? So was I. That is, after the process of wonderment on how it happened, then how cute - I have to admit that I thought the furry 'thing' was a cutey but the thoughts of seeing if it's fur was as soft as it looked NEVER entered my mind FULLY- then fear and wah!!! What if the bat takes flight while I am on the freeway?
Yes, the hitchhiker running with it's box style wing arms, back and forth along the back window ledge of my car was a bat.
I adjusted my rear view mirror to keep an eye on the 5 inch, dark, far too hairy beast. Afraid and yet feeling sorry for the lost little guy..or was it a gal...
At first glance, I thought it was a mouse. Not that having a mouse running across my car was acceptable, but mice - I am more familiar with and could have adjusted my mind to handling it. A bat on the other hand, was not charted territory for me...yet.

If all my windows were down, the little fella stopped traipsing back and forth. I think the breeze was too much force.
However, as blessings go, here came the rain. Now, I HAVE to roll my windows up.
Meanwhile, I realize i was heading east instead of west and should actually have been going south - I spy an exit for an interstate I was familiar with so on went my blinker and off I went feeling good about working this getting lost thing through by myself.
Instinct told me to txt the friend I had just left as they were familiar with Renton, which is where I ended up at when I found my bat friend. But then, at the thought of explaining how I am lost, how a bat is in my car and wondering if they will even believe such a story seemed too big of a burden to place on them, I opted for silence. And, how would I get all that in a txt?
I knew I may not make it home on the gas I had since my route increased due to my being 'me'. I see an exit that shows a sign for gasoline. I take it. And, as blessings go, a state trooper was sitting on the off ramp. Must of been waiting for me. I pull up behind him, leaving safe distance between my car and his as I have yet to this day had a gun pointed at me or been arrested and did not want today to be 'that kind of day'.
The trooper gets out of his car and begins walking towards me. I can't allow batty to take flight in the car taking the chance of my screaming or even worse, his possible flight messing up my hair.
I step out of the car slowly keeping back an urge - a strong urge to run screaming and crying - logically, knowing a calm demeanor would appear much more suiting this old lady.
I tell him there's a bat in my car.
He smiles.
I repeat, "There is a bat in my car."
He pokes his head in the back window.
He straightens back up, looks at me and asks me how the bat got in my car.
Again, with great restraint, I hold back a sarcastic response and explain I live in the country and keep the windows down at night.....blah blah blah...
He seemed unsure what he could do so I hand him my sweater and suggested he swat at the critter, hopefully scaring it out one of the now open windows.
He works at it then stops to report that now the bat is wedged. I was not going to let him go with that so I hand him a hanger and with my puppy eyes, encouraged him to continue.
Short of that long story is, soon the bat took flight past the officer and into the world where he SHOULD have been to begin with. The officer informs me that in his 22 years this is his first bat rescue.
I thanked him and had to ask....
so...ah.....if I am trying to get on I-5, where would I find an on ramp?
To assist you in getting through this event I will say that in the end I made it home. I had enough gasoline to get home. The trip was educational, successful and entertaining.
I wonder if batty made it to his home safe.
I wonder if batty found his trip educational, successful and entertaining.
I don't wonder if my car windows are all rolled up though, as I pull into the carport...
Hey Nancy,
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this. I am so glad you are doing this blog. You have a lot of thoughts going on inside.