Monday, September 28, 2009

In the wise words of Gus from the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding:

“So today here, we have apples and oranges.

We all different now,

but in the end,

we’re all fruit.”

It is still a peculiar thing to me, the place where I work in. The activities that take place in the room I inhabit during my work day is what seems so peculiar - to me. So many people in one room, their purposes should be and seem to be all the same, and yet, I view...apples and oranges.

Not sure which one I would be. My favorite is fresh, crisp from the fridge apples sliced as evenly as possible but then that might mean I am a cold person and I know that is one thing I will never be accused of.

It is still a peculiar thing to me, that as I enter the room I work in each day, no matter the time of the day and yet, I find the same things going on...

Someone sorting stacks of papers for this purpose or that. Up to this point, I haven't a clue why or for what.

Someone sitting at a table using the extra large size 3-hole puncher on yet more stacks of paper that rest on the table before them.

Someone putting stacks of papers into binders. Where the binders go, I don't know for certain but sure there must be a destination. And when they find their destination, I wonder for what purpose. And I wonder if that purpose one day will be revealed to me and will serve its mission in this room I go to and travel through each day of the week.

If I am an apple then it is with an orange I have been speaking to, listening to and discovering that all along she was an apple in disguise and joins me or is it I have joined her. Or have we been woven together. Either way, how lovely it is to find I have an ally.

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