Sunday, July 18, 2010

More on Friday

After Friday mornings issues, I decided to analyze my frustration factor.

It lead me to where I am now - sitting in a car outside a cafe about 3 miles from my house - in a waiting mode for a friend.

I guess I didn't get very far in working through my issues and moving on.

I have time to think and write. That's a good thing. :)

As I think on things of this morning, I make a mental note of responsibilities I need to tend to - alone.

I have several friends. Friends of all kinds, for all occasions.

I don't have a friend presently, to brain storm with on some of my tasks that need tending to. Why - because I don't have a friend nearby on my list that could relate to some of the things I must do.

So, I feel lost. I feel lonely.

Growing up when you are already a grown up is tough for me.

I wish my sister in law Patty lived closer. I know she would do great brain storming with me and could for sure relate to what I have to say.

Yes, Friday was a long day for me. I had errands to run in the morning, little time to relax once I got home before leaving for work. A funny thing but not so funny for this area of the world, happened at work yesterday. I work with more staff than I can count. Most are recent high school graduates which is really quite entertaining and frustrating at the same time. One gal, a co-worker, and I had a short chat yesterday. Turns out her step brother is one of my sons best friends in school and our neighbor. Her grandmother was my Avon lady when I was into that kind of thing.

So, when I got off work, I met with a friend. They asked how work went. I was excited to share the news with them. I began telling them and then suddenly was interrupted by news they wanted to share. I stopped my sentence and listened. I thought when when my friend was done with their news, they would ask me to pick up where I left off.

didn't happen

I thought about continuing but at that point, I no longer had the excitment and joy. I thought about letting them know that they interrupt me a lot but had no words I thought would share how I felt without hurting their feelings.


Life has its ups and downs
Maybe I should take a class on how to speak up for myself in whisper form so I don't feel so bad when I say something. Most of the time I prefer to take it as it comes and deal with it rather than speaking out and up for myself. Seems to be a better way to survive this world.

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