The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Day: Early Thursday Evening
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Aftermath of Meltdown
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The End Of A Very Long Day
I had almost an hour of drive yet to complete before making it to the place I call home. I put on my cruise control and reached for my cell phone that was resting between my legs. I felt a need to send one of my sons a text message...and so I did.
"I wanted you to know that I appreciate the way you take such good care of me."
I sat the phone back down on the empty passenger seat. It was quiet out that night. I felt like being quiet also and was too weary to turn on some tunes to revive me.
I stared at the road ahead of me, focusing on the white line that steered my course. No stars in the sky to be seen or keep me company.
A flash of light caught my eye. It was from my cell phone. A text had been sent. It was from my son -
"That's what I'm suppose to do. Nightie night."
I was no longer alone, he felt more near to me somehow. Love now kept my heart company. A flood of tears cleansed me. I felt a bit of strength return that I have been robbed of in recent days. At least enough strength to softly say aloud -
"...this too shall pass"
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Reality Show
Ahh, at last, perhaps around the corner is my own reality show. Not one made up for me but one that I have shaped and molded to suit me with my own thoughts, feelings and two hands.
Things are changing. Life is getting better, at least the quality although, I will admit to you that I use to consider myself an optimist on the realistic side. Due to feeling as though I take two steps forward then find myself back tracking, I am more of a pessimist. ugh. I am going to move towards optimism though. I promised myself. Maybe, no, I chose to believe that the day will come soon, when I will do more hanging out that hanging on.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I feel like that rock. I am not sure who or what tossed me from the waters edge, all I see is crowd of people and stacks of responsibilities that all relate to me. Maybe I tossed myself. I am certain it was not to find an escape or I would never have chosen this route.
Maybe it is better to be like a skipping stone than to be holding on to a rope that is about to break. Maybe I have more chance of surviving this way.
I don't feel anything. Kinda sorta numb fashion. I feel on overload. I had reached a point where I felt the worse was over. Blue skies were on the horizon, within reach. Then a bomb shell, at least it felt that way to me. Seems each time I get to a point where I feel all will be well and the worse is behind me, I wake to find there is more to overcome. It leaves me feeling as though I can't trust that all ever will be well and that I will have to spend the rest of my life in survivor mode rather than actually living.
I think that my brain and heart have decided to separate me fr
Perhaps I was shielded too much as a child, not having opportunity to experience real life. At this point in the game of life, I don't suppose it matters.
In conclusion to this blog post:
This morning I was viewing images from my online verizon album. When I clicked on one to send to my daughter, a window came up that said, "Unfortunately your time has expired, you will have to log in again." That pretty much, kinda sorta, sums up how I feel. Now, to figure out how to log in again...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A New Day
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Saddest Words
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I soaked my face with warm water. It didn't help. It didn't help at all viewing in the mirror either. I wondered who that old woman with bags under her eyes could possible be and why was she following me, after all, a bathroom should be a private place and this morning I wanted to be left alone. I attempted to rid the skin on my face of the bags by using cold water. It didn't help either so I gave up and turned the light out which helped considerably.
I headed to the kitchen to make coffee...out of creamer. ugh I then made my way to where I store my paperwork on the top shelf of the closet in my bedroom. I have not settled into this new place even though I have been here almost 9 months. Have to make some changes so I am no longer feeling like I am living out of boxes. I searched for a booklet I needed to remedy an issue I was having with my cell phone. The papers were stuffed in so tightly I could barely fit my fat old lady fingers in between them to pull one or two out. I huffed and puffed to make sure the papers knew my displeasure with the way they had allowed themselves to become so tightly bound, causing me to struggle. I took all of them down and sorted them before placing all of them in my brief case bag to sort out later in the day. I'll show - them I thought to myself.
Now that I had wasted all of that time and still had not found the booklet I needed, I poured myself a fake cup of coffee (fake because it had no cream and what is coffee without creamer?) and went to get on the computer. I sat on the couch in the living room with my lap top on my lap where lap tops were designed to be....right? The window was open to bring in the morning breeze, sounds and fragrances. Instead I get a 'whoooo' noise from some obnoxious bird in the tree across the road. U... U... Usually, I embrace the bird morning songs but not this morning. I knew it was not an owl but could not figure out what kind of bird it was and why oh why was it pestering me on this morning when surely the bird knew that the last thing I needed on this particular morning was something out of the ordinary to deal with. Didn't I have enough to work through???
I looked down at my cell phone while waiting for the computer to boot up, and saw I had 8 messages all from the night before. I knew I had to respond but didn't feel in the mood. The computer was not co-operating with me and I ended up losing the post I was working on. I could not open my email, I was hot ... must be my age, I felt old and of no value to this world, I miss my sons, I miss having lunch with my friends, I miss road trips and going to the movies. I want to buy new shoes. I want to buy a new blouse or two. I want tomorrow to be here today.
Yesterday, I ended up losing the post and unable time wise to get back on the computer and respond to emails, I shut the computer down and walked away which seemed the safest thing to do for the computers sake. I talked through some of my feelings with a friend but kinda sorta didn't mention everything that is bothering me and was on my mind. Somethings I just can't talk about some stuff. I got called in to work early which was of help. When I am at work I focus on nothing but getting the job done giving my brain a break.
Must of helped going to work...
I woke up this morning feeling better. I googled the bird noise I head yesterday. Turns out it is a Band Tailed Pigeon that live in the Pacific Northwest and are
The donkey next door is pleased that I am up. I can hear him saying hello and feel certain he moves his head up and down when he brays. I can't see him through the trees where he resides on the other side but imagine it to be so all the same. I have a day off. There is a cool breeze blowing on my legs as I sit here with my lap top typing away. It feels soothing. I can hear the dryer going down the hall making me feel good that I am half way done with laundry and it isn't even 7 a.m. yet.
Yesterday, I did a lot of sighing because of my funk. I did not exactly know the reason why I felt that way but being the analyzer that I am, I made mental lists of why. This morning is a new day. I am doing a lot of sighing again but at the thoughts of having a day off, a lunch date with one of my sons and a picnic in my back yard on the lawn perhaps with several ants that have set up house on the back porch, the truck sounds from the road, the aroma of fresh mowed lawn and warmth of a summer day.
The neighbors cat just made her way into my house via the open door. I guess she saw it as an invitation. I think I will go pet her, if she will let me, and chat with her about my determination to have a better day today. I figure I can't wait for a good day to just happen so I am just going to have to do it all by myself...well, me and kitty cat for starters.