Wednesday, October 21, 2009

...and so he was troubled as he felt his world being rocked by her words. In the past, it had been his role to rock the world around him. Now, with the tide changing, it was not so easy to accept.

..and so he claimed he did not remember but if you say it is true..then think as you will. I don't remember saying or doing such things he said, as if it would absolve him from any wrong doing.

...and so she was strong for the first time. She felt a peace and was confident to speak calmly and knew that what she was doing, saying, and where she was heading was right and good.

...and so it was, as his words shot like fire, burning at her heart, she began to melt back into the one she once had been. In the moments of silence, she fixed her eyes on the leaves outside the window that skipped across the damp grass. In her mind she heard the words ...

it will never be so
you will never be free
look around and see
this is where you must be

...and so it was truth for a moment or two. Then as if a rushing wind blew through the room, surrounding her, filling her and lifting her high above the troubles, the fire and all that was, until again, the peace returned to her heart.

...and so it is as in war, the battle continues.

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