He shook the dice then gave them a toss. Unhappy with the results, he scooped them up in his hands and gave them a longer and harder shake. The dice fell from his hands. They rolled to a stop. He looked puzzled that his technique had not provided him his choice results.
With a sigh, once again he scooped up the dice. He held his hands eye level. The dice clicked together between his hands. He made a small opening between his fingers to peer in at the dice. His hopes and dice were in motion.
The moment came as his hands lowered to the table. The dice fell obediently from his open hands. They rolled to a stop as his arms flew up in the air in victory.
It appeared his efforts were not in vain.
I know some people who live their life just like a roll of dice. They gamble at this and that with their purchases, their jobs, their families. They treat their relationships like a roll of the dice, shaking, peering and tossing, until they feel things are in their favor. People become nothing more than the objects, just like the dice.
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