Once upon a time, long ago and far far away, lived a gentle woman in a jungle. The jungle was filled with tall trees and plants of every kind. The scents and sights were nothing she had seen before. The gentle woman had fallen into the jungle when she was but a youth after following a familiar voice she heard calling her name. The voice led her into a labyrinth of sorts. There she had gotten lost. There she shed tears as she walked her way through the loneliness and perplexity of the maze.
She came across warmhearted creatures from time to time but she felt alone even still. Her heart cried out to be free. She was fed. She had all the basics of life that she needed, yet something was missing. She felt it deep in the pit of her soul. She longed and yet did not know what the something was that she longed for.
Some days she walked the same path she had the day before or weeks before. Frustration turned to fear of never escaping, of finding her way out. She felt hopelessly lost. Until one day the fear turned to surrender.
...and so it was, she lived amongst the vines, the creatures, and tall trees. She slept in caves along the way. It was a mysterious place but she was finding ways to make the best of things and embrace her new way of life. It didn't seem to matter anymore whose voice it was that had called her to enter. It didn't matter anymore what was or what could have been.

What the gentle woman did not know was, the further she walked, the closer she brought herself to the castle that awaited her at the end of the maze.
...and so it was, from the other side of the jungle lived a lion. Each day he went in search of food for he did not have a lioness to hunt for him. He was not quick. He was not brave. Many days he went without consuming one morsel of food to satisfy his ravenous appetite.
The lion became ferocious as his hunger grew. He was provoked by the slightest upset in the jungle. The lion became bitter that he had no one to hunt for his meals or groom his mane. The raging lion was becoming weak and unable to fend for himself.
A light wind was moving through the jungle, and the lions sensitive nostrils caught scent of the gentle woman. He stalked the jungle in pursuit of his quarry. The stronger the scent of his prey, the quicker his gait. The lion grew tired of the torturous windings and broke through rows of maze until it was, his keen eyes spotted the gentle woman.
His tail whipped in anticipation. The jungle suddenly fell silent. A thunderous roar from the lion echoed. Hungrier than ever, he leap forth with lightening charge toward his victim. With powerful paws, razor sharp teeth and gnashing teeth, the attack began.
The lions rage was equally compared to the compassion the gentle woman had inside for all creatures, including the beast that even now, tore at her clothes and body. She knew he did not truly want to destroy her. She had an inherent sense that the once majestic creature had been beaten down, was lonely and was filled with longing just as she was.
She made no moves to protect herself. She allowed the attack, feeling somehow her sacrifice would relieve the torture that had built up within the lion, freeing him to move on, freeing him of his weakness and perhaps somehow, setting them both free.
She came across warmhearted creatures from time to time but she felt alone even still. Her heart cried out to be free. She was fed. She had all the basics of life that she needed, yet something was missing. She felt it deep in the pit of her soul. She longed and yet did not know what the something was that she longed for.
Some days she walked the same path she had the day before or weeks before. Frustration turned to fear of never escaping, of finding her way out. She felt hopelessly lost. Until one day the fear turned to surrender.
...and so it was, she lived amongst the vines, the creatures, and tall trees. She slept in caves along the way. It was a mysterious place but she was finding ways to make the best of things and embrace her new way of life. It didn't seem to matter anymore whose voice it was that had called her to enter. It didn't matter anymore what was or what could have been.

What the gentle woman did not know was, the further she walked, the closer she brought herself to the castle that awaited her at the end of the maze.
...and so it was, from the other side of the jungle lived a lion. Each day he went in search of food for he did not have a lioness to hunt for him. He was not quick. He was not brave. Many days he went without consuming one morsel of food to satisfy his ravenous appetite.
The lion became ferocious as his hunger grew. He was provoked by the slightest upset in the jungle. The lion became bitter that he had no one to hunt for his meals or groom his mane. The raging lion was becoming weak and unable to fend for himself.
A light wind was moving through the jungle, and the lions sensitive nostrils caught scent of the gentle woman. He stalked the jungle in pursuit of his quarry. The stronger the scent of his prey, the quicker his gait. The lion grew tired of the torturous windings and broke through rows of maze until it was, his keen eyes spotted the gentle woman.
His tail whipped in anticipation. The jungle suddenly fell silent. A thunderous roar from the lion echoed. Hungrier than ever, he leap forth with lightening charge toward his victim. With powerful paws, razor sharp teeth and gnashing teeth, the attack began.
The lions rage was equally compared to the compassion the gentle woman had inside for all creatures, including the beast that even now, tore at her clothes and body. She knew he did not truly want to destroy her. She had an inherent sense that the once majestic creature had been beaten down, was lonely and was filled with longing just as she was.
She made no moves to protect herself. She allowed the attack, feeling somehow her sacrifice would relieve the torture that had built up within the lion, freeing him to move on, freeing him of his weakness and perhaps somehow, setting them both free.
It seemed a nightmare until a moment of clear thought came upon her. She opened her eyes and raised her arm. She placed an open palm against the lions chest. She felt for his heart. Once she felt his heart beating beneath her hand, she held steady, her arm stiffened. This caught the lion by surprise. He too could now feel his heart powerfully beating. He became more aware of her presence and what his passion was causing, but it did not stop his desire, it did not quench his hunger, he wanted more but her kindness, her gentleness caused him to hesitate.
It was in his moment of hesitation that she made her escape.
The mind holds wounds of the body - even after healing.
The mind holds wounds of the body - even after healing.
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