Hanging means relaxing and since I haven't perfected that art yet, I don't know what possessed me to even buy it. I do not have sweats or lounge wear or even worn jeans to slip on. I have spent most of my life 'being ready', from the moment I get up until I crawl into bed at night. After all, that is the Navy way, or so daddy said.
With the changes or perhaps more accurately - improvements to my life, I am determined among other things to remedy my lack of relaxing.

I thought the outfit was a nice way to start - baby steps. giggle
I know that just putting on the clothes won't be enough but I have to start somewhere.
Just so happens that my new job position involves working closely with two friends who have perfected the art of relaxing. They actually have fun and relax on their days off, they relax when it is break time at work...go figure!
hmmm I suppose then, by the time I get comfy and use to my new set of threads, I will be ready to take some lessons from them.....
I am aware that it might not be I find myself relaxing in a hammock on a white sandy beach sipping something cool from a straw in a coconut. Most likely I will discover just how comfy a couch can feel when you sit back and put your feet up, or just how pleasant it can be to eat snacks while watching a movie on TV, I might even learn how, when it is break time at work, to actually GO to the break room and sit down with staff instead of using that time to keep working, but you have to agree that the hammock image is too great to pass up! With all the rain we have been having, what else but a warm sandy beach would be a better place to learn to relax?
Now...do you suppose the beach boys would be touring the weekend of my 'learn to relax' adventure, and sing Kokomo or some other white sandy beach tune...all in the name of education of course!

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