I like my car because it is a place I can be alone. No demands. No wants or needs to listen to or fulfill other than my own.
The drive to work is always the same yet always amazing to me. I tend to forget how splendid the view of the sky is once I take that last bend on the highway.

This morning on my drive to work, I went over the last few days in my mind. I pondered all that I am up against in the next few weeks. Ok, not ALL. I don't have my life book in front of me so all I will be dealing with are things I know of.
Funny, but as i enter the last stretch toward a more than gigantic goal I have, the more I fret.
I wonder what the Lord is thinking. Is He smiling on me or is He frowning as he watches me, as He hears my prayers and dries my tears.
Sometimes what you want or need in life is not delivered in the most perfect package. Stuff comes with it at times - not always. This circumstance is one of the stuff times.
I'm keeping my eye on the prize. It helps. It comforts me. Although I still have to deal with the stuff and in this case, I have to do it solo. Mostly because I don't want to burden anyone else.
Emotions are dragging me down the most. I'm on overdrive keeping them in check, keeping them under control.
This morning I'm

I'm thankful for the sky view that always excites me.
I'm blessed with good friends, amazing children, a great job and know my Adonai loves me.
Last of all, beside me is a hot cup of coffee that I have been sipping on along with munching on carrots and almonds for breakfast and NOONE is telling me I can't.
I can't help but smile.
I can feel it - it's going to be another good day.
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