Tuesday, November 17, 2009


...and so it was as it had been for days, the morning greeted her tired body with yet another moment or two of violation.

...and so it was, the day had arrived for her to tell them of her plans.

The youngest was concerned of the loneliness her absence would bring to his life. Who would listen to his stories, who would share in his joys as she always had?

The next one was silent at first. Then the questions and wonderings of reasons behind her decision came. He blamed everyone else for what was to come and yet there was no one in particular to blame at all.

The wise and strong one supported her and a new bond grew as no other time had been for them.

The words she spoke to the oldest one came from the love in her hurting heart. Her stomach wrenched in knots as his deafening silence fell like a heavy weight in her lap. His tears were mixed w
ith angry words toward her. The pain he was filled with he said was on her. The unlivable circumstances she was trying to correct was causing a change from what should be to what he felt was wrong. He told her she was causing his world to collapse. "This cannot be. I refuse to accept this change. This just cannot be."

...and so it was fitting with the overflowing of emotions she was keeping locked inside, that the raindrops would fall from the sky, soaking her hair and face as she walked on the country road that led from her home. The cold air warmed her inside for at last there was something she could allow herself to feel and not be to blame.

The End

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