"They don't drive like everyone else."
That could be a compliment. Would you take it as such if the person talking were referring to you?
In this case the person I was referring to was not you but in kindness to my family I will not mention exactly who. It was a relative. Complimentary category - This person did have a unique way of driving. It was certainly an adventure and certainly healthy for my heart because it was racing and I was sweating so then also it was a good work out too. All in all, must have been a great riding experience.
If only I had been in the drivers seat.
I visit a relative in another state every other year or so. The city they live in is one I am familiar with having lived there for many years before making my home in Washington. The relative insisted this one year that there were many changes that had taken place and wanted me to go for a ride and see.
Ok then. Not a bad idea for a sunny afternoon, especially if the ride will take us past my favorite donut shop.
Up and down familiar streets, in and out of two different cities. Yes, things had changed, only not quite as the relative pointed out.
Here is an example: As we drove down a main street they pointed out to me an apartment building that was newly built. No, that building has been there for over 15 years but your driving in the bike lane is something new...
I kept that to myself out of kindness but mostly I was pondering the situation and possible danger I found myself in.
The street that the mall is on has a new row of palm trees. No, but driving against traffic on the wrong side of the island with the palm trees is something new...
I continued my silence. It was hard to keep a firm grip on the arm rest while brain storming in my mind how to get us back home safely. I also kept an eye out for the Candid Camera crew.
Another change I might mention here is the permanent finger grips on the door handle where I was sitting. I think my prayers were so strong but silently delivered, that they too will have some sort of permanency in their car. For the rest of that vacation I opted out of any tours of the city or shopping trips. Be sure that the trip planned for this year involves my renting a car at the airport before heading to their home. I then will park behind their car in the driveway, thus having to use my car, thus my driving, on any mini trips we might be embarking on.
I should have known from the first day of my arrival that year that something was not quite right. I was to spend the day with another relative and not having a car available I asked them to drive me to the location. We had a fender bender. Once they saw the street we were to turn on - you guessed it - THEY TURNED. Only problem with that was they turned from the driving lane not the turn lane where there was already a car attempting to make a proper turn.
I still recall the conversation with their insurance agent. In exasperation, my relative explained that some crazy person made the turn the same time they did, hooking their bumpers, and why they would do something like that, they would never understand. :)
hmmm They don't drive like everyone else.
thank you Jesus
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