And so he goes...
"There's a song by Neil something or whatever the lyrics go 'old man, take a look at my life I'm a lot like you do doommmm do do doommmm - his guitar riff.
Anywho, I always heard that s

I see a lot of him in myself. I work non-stop without breaks and almost kill myself sometimes. I remember doing that with my dad. We'd cut, stack, cut, stack, split and stack the same log pile all day. We worked until we were done. I do that now without thinking. There's other things I realize like he pushed me so hard because he saw potential.
Gabe, Mike, Sean and other people see it too. I don't most of the time. Because I don't want to. Things seem hard until you are done. Then you realize how easy it was. 'The only wrong step you can take is the one you don't take'.
I still have issues with that. I don't want to step in the wrong direction and have to fix it later. but I'm working on that"
...ah, one look in my eyes and you can tell it's true.
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