A friend of mine likes to hike. I don't mean the run of the mill hiking trails either, I mean peak Mt. Rainier in two days kind of hiker.
Do you ever get swept up into doing something you would not do if you were in your right mind? But the person talking to you is so enthusiastic you can't help but think this is exactly what you have been waiting all your life to do.
My goal: mark people like that with warning sticky notes
She convinced me that Mt. Rainier was an easy mountain to peak and when we whip that one, we will move on to Mt. St. Helens.
I trained, just like she taught me, following every instruction down to the letter. The more I did, the deeper the enthusiasm grew within me until foolish me was convinced I could do this.
The day came, almost a year later, for our trial trek up the side of the mountain. The weather was perfect. I bought the perfect cute shorts to impress the fellow hikers. I had on a back pack that was empty other than water and some protein bars....hey - no one had to know that I was not in full pack and only faking it for a trial run.
Funny thing happened on the drive to the mountain. Did you know that mountains that are ever so majestic and so tiny in size when you view them from 60 miles away grow much larger at the base of them?
I didn't -- at the time
As we drove closer and closer, driving up higher and higher, I would take glances over at Mt. Rainier. I kept thinking that maybe the mountain in my view was not the one we were climbing. I didn't see a name tag on it :)
Still keeping my head 'out of the game', we arrived. We parked. From there my real experience began. The parking lot was half full. (I say that so you know I am an optimist.) Hikers...I no longer referred to them as people...were busy in the parking lot, taking items from their vehicles and stuffing their back packs. giggle While I slipped on my backpack, of course pretending it was heavy and giving it that extra few adjustments to level out the oh so heavy weight of it.
Julie took me into the gift shop while we were there to check it out. Might as well experience the WHOLE thing. We did walk through the shop, however, Julie was not aware that while she pointed out postcards and Mt. Rainier memorabilia to purchase, I was gazing out the window at the mountain as the portion of my mind I had lost last year when she first approached me with this not- so- me idea was returning.
There was no turning back now. Too many professionals in my presence to start crying or screaming for help. I was in such a state of shock that I could not even muster up any ideas like tripping down the stairs going out of the gift shop so I have to get to a hospital.
Where were you when I needed you?
I am not sure how I made it back across the parking lot to the base of the mountain but I am certain my legs were moving because there we stood facing signs that led to trails. Now, which one to take. Julie, being thoughtful as she is, turns to me and asks me which trail I would like to take.
Silly lady....the one that goes back home of course or any one other than one that goes up
I said this to myself so stop thinking I am rude and ungrateful
I will fast forward now for you, care to join me?
The climb began. It was a blast. We walked up stone paths. We hopped on stones over narrow streams. We stopped to sit on a large rock to enjoy our water and protein bar. I learned to use a not restroom behind a bush. We stopped at a snow area and observed two men. One was the teacher and was teaching the other fella how to use tools to grip into the snow side of the mountain for their next trek. It was a good feeling knowing it was he and not me with that experience in the future. We talked to tons of people from all over the world who had one thing in common, they liked to hike. I was in the zone so I did not make mention that a hiker was not really an accurate description of myself - mind wise.
Julie commented that I was doing better than she thought I would do and we got much further than she expected that day.
hmmm was it that my deer in the headlights expression I thought I was covering up on our arrival had shown through? I didn't ask. I just smiled and said thanks.
It was an experience of a life time for me. Mostly because that was the only time in my life time I plan to do that! However, I would not have missed it for the world.
This summer Julie is hiking across areas of England with her sister. Me, I am enjoying the ground level view of my garden and every once in awhile, on my way to the mall, I glance up at Mt. Rainier and remember my adventure with fondness and a warmth in my heart for friends who bring adventure into my world.
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