A few years ago I planted bulbs around the fish pond. That first spring they came up a few inches then disappeared one day.
waskly wabbits
Alrightee then
This spring, forgetting I had even planted them, those bulbs began sprouting to a grand 3 feet tall! I have forgotten what they were called. The tag blew away last winter. bummer
So now, it is a game of intrigue and excitement like a gift from God for my entertainment and joy this summer.
That's how I received it.
In God's time, the plants are growing, for me. I believe God knew this year, this summer, this day, I would need a sign. I would need to see Him in a more profound way. I needed His touch from heaven.
Jesus, I do so appreciate your blessings in my life, both the small and the large.
P.S. The picture above is one my son took last night of the flower that bloomed from that plant. If you know what the plant is, please let me know. I don't like being clueless...do you?
Hi Nancy, luckily, I know that flower, In Vietnam, It 's called "hoa ly". But I don't know what it name in English, so sorry. It 's very beautiful, and It 's selled with expensive price a bit! To keep it fresh for a long time, You should cut it 's stamen. My mom often buys it to decorate my house at Tet Holiday!