Sis and I have had our times of getting along and not getting along. I suppose that is what happens between sisters.
Did I tell you the story of our meeting a few years ago? She cut herself off from our family for personal reasons for many years. Then she suddenly appeared, I think it has been about 4 years.
I was unsure of our relationship since we did not have much of one to begin with. But now, as adults and women with some common ground, perhaps we will discover being sisters is all they say it can be.
She was to meet me at the airport. The Los Angeles Airport is huge. Most places are to many of us who live in Mossyrock. :)
I got off the plane and scanned the anxious faces of folks waiting in the lobby. None looked familiar. Hmmm
I walked past them and then stopped. I turned in their direction and waited for the last passenger to pass through, being met by their waiting party. I figured that would leave one lone lady which would be my sis.
Yet no one remained.
I admit my head dropped at the thought of no one being there. I admit a bit of anxiousness stirred inside wondering if she forgot about me and I would have to find another way to the house.
I did what seemed the natural thing to do and made my way to the baggage claim. Surely she would meet me there. I wonder if those around me could sense my nervousness as I watched for my suitcase and browsed the crowd for someone who might be my sister, someone with a freckled face like me.
Bags claimed so then with one hand I wheeled my suitcase. With the other I held on to the straps of my bag and purse, as I made my way through the airport, all the while, wondering and questioning. I made it to the end where the only place for me to go was out the doors. I stood there going over scenarios in my brain.
I saw an information table where some friendly enough looking employees were. I ventured over and asked if they by chance, could make an announcement for my sister after giving them a very brief explanation of my situation.
The call went out as I strolled back toward the doors. I then kept my gaze in the walkway seeing if I might spot my sister heading in the direction of the information table.
After a couple of minutes I headed back in the direction I had come just in case she might be sitting in the chairs where I got off the plane, waiting for me and wondering....
I saw a woman coming toward me that I did not recognize and yet there was something familiar about her. She must of felt the same as I said 'no way'. She responded with 'yes way'. We embraced which is much warmer than a hug.
Since then we have sent snail mail to each other in between almost yearly visits.
I am heading down to California to visit her and my mom in a couple of weeks. I got a card from her yesterday. I began to read it to my son as generally she writes funny notes to me, but

Being loved isn't something I experience much of. Just happens that way for some people. So when I am loved, it is huge to me. I am so glad she returned. I am so glad we have the rest of our lives to be whatever we want to be...sisters, kin, friend, companion, partners in crime, comrade or pals. It won't matter. It's all good.
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