A peculiar thing happened. I have not been out to attend to my fish pond for a couple of days. With the heat wave at hand (for me it was a heat wave) I opted to spend most of my time cooling the house and preparing meals and cookies early in the morning hours.
And so it was...as I went out to see how the cutest and most intelligent fish in the Pacific Northwest had fared with the high temps, I found they had company. :)
My inner silly me wants to say there were hundreds of bees but the fact is there were more like 30 - 40 honey bees swarming over the pond. Some landed on the river rocks that line the pond, some landed on the bits of moss floating on the surface.
The closer I got the louder the buzzing sound. Being unfamiliar with bee lingo, I tossed fish food into the pond from where I safely stood, greeted the fish with a good morning, then retreated to the house to make a full report of the hundreds of bees taking over MY POND. Much to my dismay, my two sons who were home at the time, were not intrigued.
oh bother

At last! The son who loves mystery came home!
Oh goodee. I clapped with glee.
I proceeded to envelope him in the mystery of the day, making certain to use words like- hundreds - swarming - bzzz
Now I was beginning to believe my own story. giggle. I was feeling a little frightened to go with him for the full investigation that was about to take place. However, leading my son into 'my mystery' then letting him venture out alone to face the deadly swarm of killer bees would not be 'motherly' so I joined him.
Wish you were there. Wish you had your video camera. It was quite a moment in time.
My son and I crept slowly out onto the front porch. From there we could see the 'swarm' I had told him about.
The beginning of the unfortunate events began...for me. :(
My son turns to me and says, "I thought you said there were hundreds of bees old lady."
inner giggle then slight smile
"Wellllllll son, it seemed like a lot of bees."
We both walked with more determination as all good detectives do. Of course I followed him as it seemed at that point for him to be lead detective. :)
My son has watched enough Sci Fi movies that he was unimpressed and made more old lady, grumble, grumble coments all the while having his eyes on the bees.
Bottom line, but not the end of the story...the bees were harmless. 20 - 40 life-loving, pond-loving honeybees made a home for themselves between a river rock and the waters edge.
I promised not to name them or feed them. My son was pleased.
It has been four days now and they remain. It has been lovely having company this summer.
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