I have issues. I know, you are surprised. You always looked on me as being perfect. You would be right if it weren't for the fact that people live in the world with me and circumstances happen without reporting to me for my input in which case if it had, I would make changes in my favor so the issues from circumstances that form would not, and I would then be perfect.
Does that all make perfect sense to you now?
...and so it goes, in my unperfect world and my unperfect self, I have stress related stomach issues. Most of the time my stomach hurts worse in the night, while I am pretending to sleep. I am too weary to get out of bed and get the medicine that will help soothe my stomach most times. The pain has been increasing, so for the past two nights I placed the medicine by my bed within reach.
Surprise, surprise. I had stomach pain and reached for the medicine.
I was then able to endure the night.
Why isn't it that simple with other issues I wonder. When I see what the issue is, which is half the problem, then find the solution and just do it!
I suppose that would be too simple and then, what would I have to talk to myself about on those long walks on the treadmill.
silly me

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