Do you ever get the impression that the words you just said to someone were just that...words. Words floating out across the universe.
You had something important, to say, and that one person you selected to share with, might as well have had their ears covered.
You know they care. That's why you picked them to talk to. And yet, you get nuthin. You could say grrrrrrrr but perhaps the time you are now taking to analyze yourself, what you had to say and of the whole situation are of greater importance.
You wonder... if what you had to say was of as much value as you thought it was. Was it that you needed to highlight the words or add graphics and, what if your words spoken had drama added to them? Then, would you have had the receivers attention and then, would you find what you had to say certainly not worth all that effort?
I require little. Tis true. But I do require, if I must use that word, to be listened to, not just heard. And I am speaking of all my words. Please don't just pick through what I wrote or said and select the parts that you find pleasing. They all have a purpose and put together fit well but if taken apart, well then, you will miss the meaning...won't you?
Sometimes I think portions of conversations are like a view behind the clouds. You can hear someones words but to understand what they are fully saying you must take time and go a step further beyond the clouds.
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