I don't know what I expect.
That is to say each morning when I begin to awaken,
those moments before I open my eyes,
where I am filled with anticipation.
The scent in the air,
the breeze that most times flows through the open window
lets me know more of the day to expect.
Will it be rain or will the sun break through the clouds
on this day and once again,
I can be touched by it's warmth
before another season arrives.
I am hungry for the day,
I keep my eyes closed
and in my mind I see myself
reaching for a moment,

a touch,
that will take my breath away
and I wonder - will it be.
Afraid to open my eyes,
I don't know what to expect
and perhaps
my expectations are too high
but I still wonder,
will this be the day.
Will I find ever after
in this moment,
happily or not.
So I lay there still,
breathing, hoping and waiting,
in that,
I don't know what to expect.
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