Saturday, December 26, 2009

For The Record

Are you keeping a record of my ponderings, ramblings, comings and goings? Just in case, I thought I would give you an update.

I began writing this in the morning. It is now officially afternoon. With a SLOW computer, that is just how things must go. It is 42 degrees outside, a toasty 60 degrees inside. I like it cool, just cause. I heard once upon a time that a persons mind works best in cooler temperatures. It is my desire for my brain to work at it's best and considering I am a person...

My feet are covered with a blanket that I have come to love. It is one of my new bestest friends. Burgundy in color, soft as can possibly be and HUGE. If I unfolded it to cover up, I could possibly get lost in it!

The blanket kinda sorta describes my emotions at this moment, or my mind set. Colors bring emotion for me - you too? Today, I have decided, I feel like burgundy which is really a very nice mind set to be in. body is in a soothing vacation mode. I am loving every moment, well most of them. I have a mind list of what I am going to clean each day - I have two weeks off. I know, a two week vacation is tough going but hey, I am dealing with it. :)

For the record, the rooster that lives in my neighborhood crows at 5:30 a.m.. It is still dark out. I wonder if I should have wrapped up an alarm clock for a gift so Mr. Rooster would be more accurate in announcing the morning hour.

I heard the donkey braying while I was washing my car earlier. I was unclear if he was wanting a bath also or if he was inquiring if I knew what the temperature was. I opted to not respond and take time to enjoy the sounds. It has been a sweet dream kind of day. I plan a walk down the road sometime this week to meet Mr. Donkey and Mr. Rooster. I doubt they will remember my name or perhaps even care if we meet, but I do. I feel they are a valuable part of my day and want to see the critters that bring the happy sounds to my world.

The train, I like the train too. I cross the railroad tracks each morning when I am heading to work. The train is never passing at that time. I suppose I am happy about that fact. If the train was present, I would have to wait for it to pass and that might make me late for work. There is a down side to most joys in life I am discovering.

A dear friend of mine likes Christmas. Bah Humbug I have had a lot of free time lately and given thought to my Scrooge attitude toward Christmas. Its up to me to have a change of heart, a change of mind but the memories keep flowing through my mind of Christmas pasts. Watching Christmas movies while sipping hot cocoa with marshmallow cream AND miniature marshmallows ( are you envious Patty?) might help me move on in my mind set. At least I am ready to believe it can be so.

On the front porch is a weathered Mum plant. A few weeks ago I decorated it up like a Christmas tree. I noticed it was even more weathered and needed trimming. I carefully took off all of the ornaments and began cutting. Under then old dead twigs and sad looking leaves was new growth. I felt certain it was a whisper from God. I too feel weathered and worn, however, I am surviving the storm and now feel I have confirmation that one day I will view new growth in my life. A tear or two or three drifted down my cheeks. I felt surrounded by angels. I embraced the warmth of Jesus and knew I was on His mind, in His hands and dearly loved. I hope you are able to take time in your day to embrace His love.

The laundry is done. The stove is cleaned. My car is washed. I have received entertainment from the world I live in. The carpet is vacuumed even though it didn't need it. The kitchen cabinets need shelf paper and my toe nails are crying out for a fresh coat of nail polish...what to do , what to do...only 13 days left of vacation...

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