Ready or not, life keeps moving on. Days come quickly, nights seem to end just as I start to settle in.
Some days I hurt. I wake in a funk - is that a word?
Hurt - I keep having bad dreams. Actually, I keep having the same bad dream night after night. I see darkness and from that, a hand grabs my arm and tries to pull at me. I feel frozen with a fear that wakes me up. I lie there with the vision and sensation still feeling very real. I try to gain my senses. I look for what I can see of the night sky through the window, hoping to find a calmness. Then once again I close my eyes and try to rest only to have the dream reoccur.
For three or four nights this has been a pattern. It makes me weary. At first, I dismissed it and get on with my day. Now, it is affecting my mood. The dream has found a dwelling place deep inside my mind. As I walk through my morning and day, I can't seem to shake it off.
I should I suppose, talk about it, that is the adult and healthy thing to do, but I can't find the worlds to express how it makes me feel just yet. Also, I don't want to burden anyone with the foolish emotions I am allowing the dream to give to me.
I kinda sorta know the force the darkness and hand represent. At least I think I do. Perhaps if I rationalize it, ponder on it more, brainstorm with someone, I will be rid of the bad dream and be in a better place. In my continued crazy self talk, I have decided that if I get it out in the open, the enemy, the force that owns the hand, will retaliate in some way and then my night dreams will become worse.
What words would I use to explain to someone that the nervousness I express and the tears that well up in my yes, have nothing to do with their actions or presence? Although, I allow words and actions to trigger reminder of what I felt because of the dream.
I know, I have to deal with the dream somehow. At this moment, days after the experience began, all I can find to do is write my inner thoughts. I don't feel I have the strength to form words yet.
I am allowing what I am going through to cause me to feel sad, inadequate and like a failure. I want to find a mountain top to sit on all alone. I want to shout to the heavens of my misery. I need to weep and be rid of the flow of tears I keep holding back and the bad dream once and for all. I long for peace to return to my heart and my night. I fear the end of the day knowing that very soon I will once again lay my head on the soft pillow, snuggle up under the covers, close my yes to find the bad dream has not left me or given up.
I like the clean but I am not aware of any cleanser or dust cloth I can use to wipe away the darkness and the hand that grabs at me. I don't know of a potion to sip that will magically poof away the vision and the fear.
All I have left is hope. Hope that tonight when I close my eyes, a new dream will find me.
The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

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