Thursday, August 6, 2009


I got home last night after being up north for three days. Loved it!

Each of the three children I have still living at home greeted me in their own unique ways. the point....

One of my sons, David, has some issues he deals with that I share....hmmm...must of got them from him. :)

We require things just so and if they are not just so we are as stuck as a 45 on the phonograph and can't move on in our day ... at least until things are just so once again. giggle

The first thing out of this one sons mouth was ...."So mom, did you feel a disturbance in Monkland while you were up north?"

You have to understand that my son and I share some Adrain Monk traits. If you are unaware of the Monk Dectective show, please view USA channel this Friday at 6. You will be then, informed.

I could see the cutest of smiles on his face so I knew there was some entertainment value in this question he just offered up to me.

So I engaged him a little further.

"Hmmm, nope, can't say I did, tell me more."

My son waves his hands in front of his head as if brain waves are filtering in and repeats, 'you know, disturbances old lady.'

I got nuthin, so I did the rational thing and requested a more specific explanation for this old lady to understand more clearly.

Seems that another one of my sons had pulled the three living room blinds up one morning while I was gone and had left one of the blinds at a tilt rather than straight across - as it should be. :)

David sensed the disturbance right away and came to my/our rescue by fixing the blind. He then showed his brother the proper way to pull the blind up so it lays straight.

Oh, but there is more...

He then spent the next several minutes explaining, using his hands mostly, how a blind hanging on a tilt disrupt
s the order of things and mom is probably up north right now feeling the disturbance and so on and so on.


I love my kids.
I love being able to laugh with them about the quirks we share and some we don't share.

It is these very moments that I store to relive in my mind
in my older old lady years
when sitting on the front porch
cloud watching.

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