Thursday, August 6, 2009


I think he is lost. Lost in the past.
Not sure though, just pondering him, pondering thoughts.

He said he didn't feel like he fit back when.
Said he can't seem to find his place - his space even now.


Is he searching. I wonder.

What is he holding onto from his past that keeps him there. Is it an Eeyore Story? Again, I wonder.

Once upon a time, long ago and far away, in the hundred acre woods, Eeyore sat atop a hill, day after day...alone.

And so it was, the others who called themselves friend, worried and chatted over this out of the ordinary behavior. Being most certain Eeyore was unhappy and most certain he was in need of their help - or so they thought.

And so it was, the friends, in their own ways, did their bestest to help Eeyore find happiness.

But all along, Eeyore was really quite happy and content.

He was perfectly fine - on his own - cloud watching.

Being the friend that I am, and wanting to relate to this state of mind, I have become captivated with cloud watching and am becoming quite happy and content.

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