The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

Thursday, December 31, 2009
The one stranger tells me jokes and interesting stories and speaks philosophically.
The other stranger doesn't know any jokes, their stories are short and self centered, their philosophy is unclear to me but most definitely not a traveling hopefully sort of vision.
I look forward to chats with the friendly stranger the moment I see their face.
I try to avoid chats with the other stranger. Maybe if they would only reveal their face to me...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
One person in particular has top billing recently in 'the pull." My heart aches for them. I tried to find words to comfort them but so far, no luck. I tried to actively bring joy into their day, still no luck.
I won't give up, my heart won't let me.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
...someone was weeping
Sleep was the only exit available and it became my best friend, my source of peace.
I woke longing to catch a view of the world outside through the window. I had to drag myself from the bed to get the best view, to see for certain what I thought I knew. The sky through the only window I had available was not enough for me.
I was glad I made the effort, the struggle was worth it.
I sat crisscross applesauce at the end of the couch. I sighed. A smile finally emerged on my face as I heard the donkey making music for me from somewhere down the road. The grass was covered in frost.
Familiar cars and trucks drove along the road. I could hear the distant train rambling down the track at its appointed time.
It felt good to see with my own eyes that the world had not met with some cataclysmic destiny while I slept as I thought it had.
My heart began to beat like a slow and steady drum. Music of the sunrise warmed me.
I was still once again and I was more certain of what I knew...
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Dark
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Behind every speakable story hides an inaudible experience.
Listen up to my heart. I need to tell you what is going on.
I promise to listen to your heart and want to hear what you have to say as well.
Sometimes my intentions are nothing more than conversation.
Maybe I speak too soon. Maybe I say too much.
Sometimes, in the quiet, I get so afraid of what you might have to say.
I'm here.
I'm listening...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
For The Record
I began writing this in the morning. It is now officially afternoon. With a SLOW computer, that is just how things must go. It is 42 degrees outside, a toasty 60 degrees inside. I like it cool, just cause. I heard once upon a time that a persons mind works best in cooler temperatures. It is my desire for my brain to work at it's best and considering I am a person...
My feet are covered with a blanket that I have come to love. It is one of my new bestest friends. Burgundy in color, soft as can possibly be and HUGE. If I unfolded it to cover up, I could possibly get lost in it!
The blanket kinda sorta describes my emotions at this moment, or my mind set. Colors bring emotion for me - you too? Today, I have decided, I feel like burgundy which is really a very nice mind set to be in. body is in a soothing vacation mode. I am loving every moment, well most of them. I have a mind list of what I am going to clean each day - I have two weeks off. I know, a two week vacation is tough going but hey, I am dealing with it. :)
For the record, the rooster that lives in my neighborhood crows at 5:30 a.m.. It is still dark out. I wonder if I should have wrapped up an alarm clock for a gift so Mr. Rooster would be more accurate in announcing the morning hour.
I heard the donkey braying while I was washing my car earlier. I was unclear if he was wanting a bath also or if he was inquiring if I knew what the temperature was. I opted to not respond and take time to enjoy the sounds. It has been a sweet dream kind of day. I plan a walk down the road sometime this week to meet Mr. Donkey and Mr. Rooster. I doubt they will remember my name or perhaps even care if we meet, but I do. I feel they are a valuable part of my day and want to see the critters that bring the happy sounds to my world.
The train, I like the train too. I cross the railroad tracks each morning when I am heading to work. The train is never passing at that time. I suppose I am happy about that fact. If the train was present, I would have to wait for it to pass and that might make me late for work. There is a down side to most joys in life I am discovering.
A dear friend of mine likes Christmas. Bah Humbug I have had a lot of free time lately and given thought to my Scrooge attitude toward Christmas. Its up to me to have a change of heart, a change of mind but the memories keep flowing through my mind of Christmas pasts. Watching Christmas movies while sipping hot cocoa with marshmallow cream AND miniature marshmallows ( are you envious Patty?) might help me move on in my mind set. At least I am ready to believe it can be so.
On the front porch is a weathered Mum plant. A few weeks ago I decorated it up like a Christmas tree. I noticed it was even more weathered and needed trimming. I carefully took off all of the ornaments and began cutting. Under then old dead twigs and sad looking leaves was new growth. I felt certain it was a whisper from God. I too feel weathered and worn, however, I am surviving the storm and now feel I have confirmation that one day I will view new growth in my life. A tear or two or three drifted down my cheeks. I felt surrounded by angels. I embraced the warmth of Jesus and knew I was on His mind, in His hands and dearly loved. I hope you are able to take time in your day to embrace His love.
The laundry is done. The stove is cleaned. My car is washed. I have received entertainment from the world I live in. The carpet is vacuumed even though it didn't need it. The kitchen cabinets need shelf paper and my toe nails are crying out for a fresh coat of nail polish...what to do , what to do...only 13 days left of vacation...
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My Destiny
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Despite It
Or is it that others are not on the same Earth or from the same Earth I am living on.
Why so? That is simple, or so it seems to me. What was so at this moment in time seems to change and no longer exist or at least I find new rules apply. There must be a booklet of amendments I am not aware of. When at this same time yesterday, playful chat was acceptable, rude comments, to me they were rude, replace the play. Hmmm
Are you confused? I hope so, that way you can share in the feeling of confusion that is stirring in me as I think on the moment and as I write.
I have been traveling lately down a road less formed, allowing me to mold the path, allowing me the freedom to blaze a trail before me that is barely worn. Even still, I find as I walk I slip, crawl, run at times and cry at times. I have come too far, although not that far, to turn around now or drop off the face of the Earth like a falling star.
Despite it all, I have love to cover my mistakes. I have a love for you to cover your mistakes too. Real friends do that for each other. Know that I want to love you well. Know that I want to love me well and not get lost in the midst of confusing and foggy moments or days.
Sometimes I find myself weary in the waiting and wonder when the sunrise will appear and wonder if someone will view the beauty of it with me.
After an attempt to not take ownership of the turbulant waters and was unsuccessful, I took medication to calm me then found the stress headache would not relieve itself so after a couple Ibuprofen, I was good to go. Those are bandaids, I know that. At the time, they were a need I had if I expected to move on through my morning. The following day I had a conversation with the person I mentioned above and expressed how I had felt.....kinda sorta....then allowed them time to express how they were feeling. That is the real medication I needed but the timing was not right. That is the process that needs to happen if a person wants to be mentally healthy. There are always quick fixes for stress, anxiety and any other negative emotions, my personal favorite is a thick, dark chocolate bar! giggle But the time comes when a gal has got to dig deep and find out the underlying source of the negativity that brought about the bandaid my case, and maybe in yours too, why not wait until you have consumed AT LEAST HALF of the chocolate.
So what am I sitting here waiting for now...
...will you walk with me my friend as I take the next step?
Will you join me as I enter the first day of the rest of my life?
I think my life is going to be a Cinderella story.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
In Place
I looked in the mirror. The hair dryer was my friend this morning, every hair is in its place.
I see my attempt at applying mascara to my eye lashes rather than on my eye lids has been successful. Once again, everything in its place is what I can say.
But why then t

Because my life is not in its place like the rest of me seems to be - at least this morning.
I don't like to be sad but it is an emotion that exists and so I must except it. I don't expect each of my days to leave me with only happiness. I never fooled myself in that way - that my dreams will come true. Being use to set backs, I anticipate sadness to creep in and find its place in my life. All the same, I hate it, wouldn't you?

What happens now - I wonder
I seem to be a magnet
for anyone to hurt me
and people do
I think I'll be fine
maybe not that fine
I'll survive anyhow
I always do
Monday, December 21, 2009
I often feel responsible for everyone's well being. I am learning to acknowledge burdens I place on myself that don't belong to me and kinda sorta disown them.
However, there is more, isn't there always?
Recently for example, I allowed myself to carry a burden that did not belong to me. Within a few minutes, I realized what I had done. I told myself that the burden was not mine to carry and placed it where it should be. Or so I thought.

This all happened the other night. That day, I found myself dragging through the day. It became clear to me I was dragging because of the extra weight from the burden I was yet carrying.
So, I asked myself - am I then suppose to own this burden or is my desire to be a people pleaser and fixer of the wrongs this world serves out to the weak and the strong, taking over.
Tough question. I'm going to have to give it more thought now....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Words mean more, hearts can sing, pain is deeper than before. Your world is turned around. Future years are shaped by love. Wisdom disappears, rules are broken. People go where they didn't intend to. Passions come alive.
...and so it was, the next few words she spoke were nothing like I'd ever heard her speak before. She said she had found the answer. Her first love was the only true love she had ever had and knows it should have been her last. She knew for certain, the next time she fell in love, it would be with him. For her, there could be no day or

All this she said with sparkling eyes that displayed her love and a contented smile that caused her very being and the love she felt to radiate through the room. It was if no one else was speaking.
She had never felt like that before. She told me that no matter what she did or where she was, she saw his face appearing. It was like a unexpected song that only they were hearing.
The past was far behind her, behind them.
The room grew silent as she spoke fer final words...
...until I did...there is only him.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Of What Use

I do feel much more alive these days. However, past experience causes me to pause and ask myself if I will suddenly find all that I have, all that I have become, slip away.
The dreams that I dreamed, hoping things would change; well, the changes came but the dreams had to change with it. I'm going to need help to keep the new dreams thriving and make them come true.
My conclusion is, sometimes there is nothing left but to believe as I pick up the pieces.
Friday, December 18, 2009
I clean.
I love the process of moving furniture to vacuum, washing windows, even though my fingers needed a serious thawing when I was done, dusting and then catching the scent of furniture polish in the air as I work my way from room to room.
I could have done the same on any Saturday in the past however, having teens in the house made the pleasure of cleaning become more of a game that I kept losing.
I don't anticipate the cleaning routine on Saturdays to be a forever thing. I don't know what changes may enter my world. I know what my dreams are for future Saturdays. For now, I'll keep them to myself. For now, I will be quite content cleaning.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Broken Open

As I pondered that thought, I began to think on another emotion - dislike. When you forgive that person what is the emotion toward them then? It can't be captured in the word forgiveness, that is an act. Does it then become like? You like that person?
If so, does love, when it grows cold and you find the only ember that remains, strike a match or gently blow, attempting to bring back the flame and you get nothin', what then?
I am there now, watching the last ember of love slowly fade away. As I search through memories and days of old, try as I might, I get nothin' one way or the other - love or dislike.
Is this a process of healing and this stage I have entered become nothingness, giving my heart and mind a place to dwell through with gentleness and ease until the day comes when a clear emotion will drift through?
Could I have done more?
Why do hearts change?
How is it that love can fade?
Can those you once loved, still be friends when the love you once had, the moments you once shared, vanish? And of that certain someone I once upon a time thought I knew by heart, the one I shared a life with, can I sift through our past life together and from that, make a memory bouquet? Is that what people do?
I wonder...
Will the stars fall from the sky?
Will there be no tears left to cry?
Will clocks stop in my world?
And what of those tears that fall like rain? Because they surely do and will fall. Do I keep them in a bottle?
And what of those words? The ones that are unspoken. Will I ever speak them and when I do, will they fall on deaf ears?
And what of the feeling of brokenness, who or what will heal me in my broken places?
I wonder...
This life of mine, will it be able to turn into something from the nothing that it was?
I fear I was wasting time.
As in all affairs of the heart, there are two sides to the story. I only know one - mine. I know he has thoughts and feelings he seems unable to express, but how long must I wait? How many chances do I surrender to? I am sorry only means something when it is backed up with actions that prove the I am sorry was sincere.
No more talk of darkness now. I will forget my fears and I place them far behind me. I know my heart is safe now. I have found my freedom as daylight drys my tears. I will talk of summer time again. All I want is a world with no more night.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
He Smiled

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Old Friend

I suppose the reason we ran into each other is due to my getting out more, or something like that.
What a surprise it was. Actually, it was a very nice surprise. Our first chat was unusual for me. I listened mostly. There was a lot of catching up to do! As I watched their expressions and as they talked, familiarity returned.
How about you? Ever run into an old classmate or friend from long ago?
Faces and bodies change. Even personalities change as we grow and mature. Somewhere deep down, we are still the same in many ways. That part that makes us who we are never seems to go away or change. As for me, I am glad for the meeting. I am elated at having the opportunity to rekindle a friendship.
How about you?
Monday, December 14, 2009
Some days I hurt. I wake in a funk - is that a word?
Hurt - I keep having bad dreams. Actually, I keep having the same bad dream night after night. I see darkness and from that, a hand grabs my arm and tries to pull at me. I feel frozen with a fear that wakes me up. I lie there with the vision and sensation still feeling very real. I try to gain my senses. I look for what I can see of the night sky through the window, hoping to find a calmness. Then once again I close my eyes and try to rest only to have the dream reoccur.
For three or four nights this has been a pattern. It makes me weary. At first, I dismissed it and get on with my day. Now, it is affecting my mood. The dream has found a dwelling place deep inside my mind. As I walk through my morning and day, I can't seem to shake it off.
I should I suppose, talk about it, that is the adult and healthy thing to do, but I can't find the worlds to express how it makes me feel just yet. Also, I don't want to burden anyone with the foolish emotions I am allowing the dream to give to me.
I kinda sorta know the force the darkness and hand represent. At least I think I do. Perhaps if I rationalize it, ponder on it more, brainstorm with someone, I will be rid of the bad dream and be in a better place. In my continued crazy self talk, I have decided that if I get it out in the open, the enemy, the force that owns the hand, will retaliate in some way and then my night dreams will become worse.
What words would I use to explain to someone that the nervousness I express and the tears that well up in my yes, have nothing to do with their actions or presence? Although, I allow words and actions to trigger reminder of what I felt because of the dream.
I know, I have to deal with the dream somehow. At this moment, days after the experience began, all I can find to do is write my inner thoughts. I don't feel I have the strength to form words yet.
I am allowing what I am going through to cause me to feel sad, inadequate and like a failure. I want to find a mountain top to sit on all alone. I want to shout to the heavens of my misery. I need to weep and be rid of the flow of tears I keep holding back and the bad dream once and for all. I long for peace to return to my heart and my night. I fear the end of the day knowing that very soon I will once again lay my head on the soft pillow, snuggle up under the covers, close my yes to find the bad dream has not left me or given up.
I like the clean but I am not aware of any cleanser or dust cloth I can use to wipe away the darkness and the hand that grabs at me. I don't know of a potion to sip that will magically poof away the vision and the fear.
All I have left is hope. Hope that tonight when I close my eyes, a new dream will find me.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What I learned recently from them is morning last week I woke to my regular routine of viewing the outside to see what the day has brought....even through the darkness of the mornings I still can see what I need to know about the day, and then the coffee pot gets turned on so I can experience the fresh brewed coffee once my shower is complete.
That morning, right as I was done shaving one leg, the water from the shower head made an odd dripping eyes drifted in that direction and I began to panic. My hair was covered in conditioner. My one leg was still covered with shaving cream and the other was only half way done!
I quickly dropped the razor and rinsed my hair. A princess can't go to work with icky hair you know. I saw that in the rule book...giggle
I had JUST enough to rinse my hair for the most part but had to leave for work with only a partial leg shaved and well, you know about the other leg.
I told my friend how the water pipes must have frozen and there is no water. I expected a sudden rush to make a phone call or jump up to the rescue or maybe at least join my complain club. But they didn't. They were silent and listened to me. HEY! That's my job to be the listener. :)
I learned a lot from that moment. I pondered on the drive into work on how they handled it. I need to be more like that, to have more calmness. Things get done more efficiently when you have calmness. I know that but just have never given it much thought.

However, I got to be a bit of myself when I got to work. I reported to a fellow staff member of how I had no water. Her arms fell to her side in pouting, hissy throwing fashion and reported to me that she had no electricity that morning due to the cold. I was sure she would be stomping her feet any moment. I saw how it looked to not have calmness and ran through my mind how much more graceful and soothing it was to chat with someone, although a one sided chat, who handled the news so much more soundly. I realized then how I want to be in the future, how I want to handle life's glitches, large or small.
So we both continued to complained for a minute or two. I felt I might as well since it will be hopefully the last time I get to throw a hissy fit!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Remember my summer escapedes when I went for a me day and on the way stopped at a clothing store and found the clothes to my liking but with prices so high it took two hands to hold the tag! That is where I went.
They didn't have the slacks I wanted so I bought the top there. It was a deep red with black flocking and touches of golden thread. I liked it very much. I headed to my frequent stop shop and found the slacks but shoes were another issue. No shoes I liked so...on to another store.
As I finally headed home I looked at the time and saw it was 6:30 p.m. already. Late for me. Old requirements were I must be home before 5 and dinner on the table at 5.
I didn't get home until 7:00 p.m. that night. Dinner was dished up at 10:00 p.m. the best part was - it was all acceptable.
The drive home was almost as wonderful as the drive to work was. It was past dark when I came home that night. Don't ask what past dark just is.
Friday, December 11, 2009
For a few years he was mad at God. He blamed God for his medical conditions and said God could heal him if He wanted to but my son was certain God hated him and simply wouldn't.
Lately that same son has been coming to me with news of how God has done this for him or that for him. My son is pleased. I am glad and as a mother - relieved.
Today he got some news from his doctor telling him of a new medical condition to add to the list.
I haven't talked to him yet in length about it but from what I head in his voice, he is handling it well.
Life is blissful
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Am I happy? Yes and no. Happy yes, because I finally made a right decision and made the move.
Happy no, because the move created some stressed I'd just a soon not have.
But what is life without a little stress? Stress can challenge us. That's the good in it. It can cause us to grow in how we learn to handle it. As for me, I will embrace the challenges.
Stress - money is tight. I visioned it not being so but my idea of how much money I would need was not reality, but I am dealing with it.
My sons are more needy and that is a bit stressful since I am not present to walk them through their latest issues.
Then there is the drive to work. I love the drive but at one point each morning I pass a certain person on the highway heading in the opposite direction. I find myself in anxious anticipation built with a bit of fear or nervousness if my driving or the way I am sitting in the car or the time of our passing will be acceptable to them. I wonder if they will think I am going too fast or too slow. I wonder if they will question why I am earlier or later than the day before.
It's crazy talk, I know that, however it doesn't change my thinking or my mood.
Why do I continue to allow people to control me? Is it a learned behavior I must unlearn? Are the answers in a book or is it a process each of us go through moment by moment as we make our way to a better mental health state?
I have come to the conclusion that the answer lies with God. Since you nor I are God as God is God, and He holds all the answer that we will never know or understand.
So, I turn to God for answers. I will walk more closely with Jesus and when in my day I find myself overwhelmed with sadness or negative emotions, I will ask my Adoni to hold me. I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me keep heavens view in sight and guide my walk.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
People Pleaser
Someone said to me the other day that they appreciated all I do for them but what do I do for Nancy - me.
Hmmmm - Yikes
I didn't give a response. Mostly because I had forgotten that in order to be a healthier me, I must not forget myself, my needs and wants.
It's been so long since I thought about me that I really don't know how to begin.
So that explains why I spent the majority of the weekend cleaning the house and reorganizing the kitchen. (Yes Patty, I emptied cupboards, cleaned them and put things back as I thought of you and how much fun and how many giggles we would be having. I thought about the stories we would tell or make up as we sorted through spices and cans then lined the shelves with fresh shelf liner.) I love to clean!
I had music playing kinda sorta loud as I cleaned so I could sing along without damaging the neighbors ears or at the very least, interfering with their well being.
To conclude my weekend of splendor, I got out of bed a bit early on Sunday morning to write. I can't fully enjoy the moment though without a hot cup of coffee and a candle burning so I made coffee too and lit the only candle I could find.
I sat on a couch with the front door cracked open. The more than crisp air reminded me of the light layer of snow that drifted to earth the night before. Remnants of it remained.
With the door cracked open, I could more clearly hear the rooster and donkey neighbors welcoming the morning as they wait for breakfast.
All this has brought me peace, joy and a comfort I have been needing and longing for.
Life is good.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Let's Make a Deal
Only thing was, I likened them to life doors.
Door number one leads to a greed and selfishness where wants and sinful desires are met. You get close enough and you can peer through the peep hole and see all your fantasies can be realized. Every selfish dream you have will come true. You can have it all but it will cost you. Not financially but in relationships. There are not many people I know who enjoy spending time with self centered people. Even self centered people despise being with others that are of like kind.
Behind door number three, it is an empty space. That's where you lose identity. You enter

Door number two is a place where the lovely people live. And live they do. People caring for others. You find value and self worth. There is little to worry on. You laugh and they share your joy. You cry and others comfort you and hand you a lace bordered hanky to dry your tears. Dreams are possible. Your wants and needs are provided for.
I wonder...

Is there such a door? Does a place like that truly exist?
Is it fair? Is it right that all those doors are there to choose from? I don't know. I am not the judge. At the moment, I am following my heart that wants to live behind door number two.
Monday, December 7, 2009
...and so it was
Is it cruel that I feel that way? Am I an uncaring person?
I could answer quickly because of what they didn't know - I had already given that question thought.
I answered truthfully, even though it seemed harsh, because meaningful conversations are based on honesty. Don't you agree?
As I said, I had given that question previous thought. A more accurate response is I don't miss the me I was when he was near me. I don't miss the fear, the uneasiness, the feeling that I was always in trouble and never meeting their expectations.
Or maybe the I don't miss him response comes from the gut wrenching pain I still have that brings tears to my eyes when the memories drift into my brain and I hear those few final last utterings, "Who will clean the house? who will cook the meal?"
That saddens me.
I'm not angry at him. I know I did my very best to right the wrongs, to reach out for tools to fix the situation and did all I could to transform myself into someone I no longer recognized all for the sake of love.
I got lost.
I became frustrated at the situation, nothing seemed to be of help.
The fact that I still have fear and pain rise up in me that feels as fresh and surface like as the day I left, leaves me to conclude that there is no other answer than distance.
Why does life have to be that way?
Someone said to me that when a relationship ends, someone loses. I disagreed. Both lose. I think it's a given but then, it's only my experience and observations that tell me so.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Here's the thing...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

It has to stop. I have to be the one to make the change. I don't mean by not listening or avoiding those kinds of people. What I mean is, changing the way I receive what I am given by their words and actions.
I don't think most people mean to hurt others but still, I allow some people to hurt me. So, it's up to me - It's up to you also if you are in the same position I was and am in, to make the change.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I hope all is well and you are recovering from surgery with speed.
Your friend,
Nancy if

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The morning sounds are new now for me. I hear a train announcing its presence. Somehow it sounds lonely but in a hurry. I hear a rooster crowing the alarm, letting me and the neighbors know that morning has broken.
I hear a donkey braying. Maybe he wants his morning meal or maybe he is lonely too.
The morning views are new also. From my bedroom window I can see a broken down long, thick moss covered shed that needed to be torn down years ago. It has a country quality that is endearing to me and makes me feel comforted. Trees are all around but not close enough for my liking.
A low layer of morning mist forms a thick cloud layer just beneath the tree tops.
The morning drive to work is much longer than before but that's OK. I drive along the freeway and have time to view shops and areas I have never seen before. Some of the days the sky is painted bright pink. Some of the days like today, the fog is thick, the sky is dark but still, I love the drive. Mmmmm, I treasure the view.
As I write, I realize my new morning sights and sounds describe my life now - new, lonely, broken down, filled with brilliant color, new sights and experiences that I find myself delighting in.
Lonely - I miss seeing my children everyday. I miss doing mom things.
In a hurry - I find myself grasping at and embracing this new life but I am really in no hurry or want to rush it along. I want to savor each second, each event.
I've met new people. A couple came over the other night. I wasn't feeling anxious at the idea of company or entertaining. I was relaxed. I laughed. I chatted. I was accepted.
Why haven't I felt that way in the past? I pondered that thought awhile after they left. Later, I gave voice to my emotions and got some great feedback. I think I understand why it was so easy for me to handle company. I was given the freedom to be myself. I could breath. I loved it!
My conclusion at the end of this first week of freedom and adventure is enlightening and gives me the knowledge that it is possible I just might make it to normalcy. Is that a word? If it is COOL. If it isn't, it is now...giggle
I find I am thankful.
I find myself recording more than a handful of blessings in my new life.
I find I smile more, I laugh more.
I'm finding my voice.
I'm finding I like discovering the lost me.
P.S. Sally, I am still not hooked up to the internet and have not been able to make it to the library to use the computer to send you a morning, enjoy your day. Love, Nancy
Monday, November 30, 2009
I was alone. My car battery had died so the aloneness and the stranded feelings added to my mind wanderings. So here I am, Monday, back at work and have a new outlook and ready to ramble. Are you ready to listen ... or read in your case?
This morning while getting dressed for work, I could not shake the sadness. The tears kept welling up in my eyes. I was sad because I didn't want the sadness to show and felt unable to accomplish that. I was sad also for no apparent reason at all.
On the way to work it became clear. Funny, but in my car when I am away from the world, is when my personal space becomes truly my own, I am more able to think. I also find it more easy to hear from the Lord.
The change that took place Saturday the 21st, when I moved to a new location went fine. I went to work each day, came home and sorted through boxed items and placed things where them seemed the most appropriate to be at. All was well.
This past weekend was different. I was off from work for 4 1/2 days. I was away from familiar territory. That also meant I was not able to see my sons. I realized that the change that had taken place, the one I had waited for and embraced had been the reason for my sadness.
Are you wondering why and how? So did I. Then I pondered and chatted with the Lord. Had I made a mistake Lord? Was I never to be happy. Would sadness, nightmares and worries follow me all my days? Was there no where I could find true happiness?
I think I heard the Lord giggle. I know I felt His hand touch my cheek and I know I heard His comforting words.
The change did not seem so real when I was continuing in the rest of my world, in the familiar territory. It was when I was apart for so long from the place I feel at rest and I gained energy from - my work and from my sons who I adore, that I became sad from.
I felt a confirmation I had made a right choice in my move. I felt an understanding for my emotions. I was normal after all! Hurray.
I am looking forward to growing more. I am thankful I have good friends and Jesus by my side at all times. I am thankful I know have more insight into what was going on in my princess brain. I do wonder how large a princess brain is. Do you suppose a princess has a pea size brain or a crown size brain? If I get to choose, I choose the crown size brain please.
I do not have time this morning to write more. Are you happy about that? I am just glad that it all makes sense now. I am in hopes that the nightmares that waken me with fear and sweats in the night will stop now. The face of the person I see in my dreams standing there stiff and silent but somehow able to inflict fear and panic on me, I hope will now fade into the fog, kinda sorta like the fog I drove through this morning on my way to work. I don't like the feeling. I don't like the feeling of sad even though it is a perfectly normal emotion. I'm not over the sadness yet or the lonely feeling I have inside but I feel confident these next four days will be filled with more gladness than sadness.
I am back now and will be able to write more often again. I missed writing. I wrote a lot the past two days but without a computer I was not able to post. Now I have the task of trying to decipher my scribbles and hope I can translate those into a post in the next day or two.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It doesn't seem fair somehow. I am not sure what I expected. Well, I kinda sorta did, but what I am seeing, feeling and sensing were not on my mind's list.
I wonder if they are thinking reverse psychology would do the trick and accomplish gaining what they want from me.
Whatever it is, I am puzzled. I am hurting more than before. I thought this portion of transition would bring more peace to my heart, instead, it feels the knife is digging deeper.
Maybe hurting will be an always thing I will have to accept.
Monday, November 23, 2009

She told me I looked tired.
I did not want to hear that. I had not noticed the look of tired on my face when I was putting on makeup that morning but, just maybe the tired I feel inside is showing.
Tired, yes I am tired, but perhaps more weary than tired...
of taking on burdens I am not suppose to.
of the hypocrisy, mixed messages, pretending, and double standards.
I am tired of making up answers as the "I don't know", is getting old.
Sunday, November 22, 2009

In the recent changes that are entering my world I needed a break, somewhere to take in a breath of quiet. I stopped at a park to view the lake, to watch the ducks as they scramble for bread that I was tossing their way, and I wonder who will be the deliverer for their next morsel of food.
I wonder if they worry when the traffic ceases with the onset of Autumn and they will have to fend for themselves. Their beaks don't display a frown or a smile so how am I to know?
With the changes that for certain are entering their world now, could it be they are feeling weak at the notion of a new season? I know I feel weak from the changes.
Will the mommy ducks feel they have failed if they cannot provide for their duckling? I know at this moment, I feel I am failing in many areas of my life.
I wonder if they will gather together and in that, find strength and courage to fly away to another area where it is warm, where the water is clear and food is plentiful. I wonder if it appears I am flying away or does my course seem more set and not so random. I wonder if when I get to where I am going, I will find water that is clear and food plentiful, water being my thoughts and food being my needs.
I have a lot of questions. I feel broken. I am ready and yet I am not.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Jungle
She came across warmhearted creatures from time to time but she felt alone even still. Her heart cried out to be free. She was fed. She had all the basics of life that she needed, yet something was missing. She felt it deep in the pit of her soul. She longed and yet did not know what the something was that she longed for.
Some days she walked the same path she had the day before or weeks before. Frustration turned to fear of never escaping, of finding her way out. She felt hopelessly lost. Until one day the fear turned to surrender.
...and so it was, she lived amongst the vines, the creatures, and tall trees. She slept in caves along the way. It was a mysterious place but she was finding ways to make the best of things and embrace her new way of life. It didn't seem to matter anymore whose voice it was that had called her to enter. It didn't matter anymore what was or what could have been.

What the gentle woman did not know was, the further she walked, the closer she brought herself to the castle that awaited her at the end of the maze.
...and so it was, from the other side of the jungle lived a lion. Each day he went in search of food for he did not have a lioness to hunt for him. He was not quick. He was not brave. Many days he went without consuming one morsel of food to satisfy his ravenous appetite.
The lion became ferocious as his hunger grew. He was provoked by the slightest upset in the jungle. The lion became bitter that he had no one to hunt for his meals or groom his mane. The raging lion was becoming weak and unable to fend for himself.
A light wind was moving through the jungle, and the lions sensitive nostrils caught scent of the gentle woman. He stalked the jungle in pursuit of his quarry. The stronger the scent of his prey, the quicker his gait. The lion grew tired of the torturous windings and broke through rows of maze until it was, his keen eyes spotted the gentle woman.
His tail whipped in anticipation. The jungle suddenly fell silent. A thunderous roar from the lion echoed. Hungrier than ever, he leap forth with lightening charge toward his victim. With powerful paws, razor sharp teeth and gnashing teeth, the attack began.
The lions rage was equally compared to the compassion the gentle woman had inside for all creatures, including the beast that even now, tore at her clothes and body. She knew he did not truly want to destroy her. She had an inherent sense that the once majestic creature had been beaten down, was lonely and was filled with longing just as she was.
She made no moves to protect herself. She allowed the attack, feeling somehow her sacrifice would relieve the torture that had built up within the lion, freeing him to move on, freeing him of his weakness and perhaps somehow, setting them both free.
The mind holds wounds of the body - even after healing.