Friday, January 29, 2010

Make Believe

In the shelter of her bedroom she takes up an artist brush and dips it in one of the paint containers. She strokes the canvas adding new colors that she invented by dipping her brush in the different colors. She then adds the texture of crayons to her creation. The end result was her image of Prince Charming riding on a horse. One of his strong arms is wrapped snuggly around the waist of Sleeping Beauty as she rides side saddle in front of him as only a princess would. He came to rescue her on his captivating white horse. Quite content with her newest creation in art form, she lays down the brush and stands in the middle of her room. With eyes closed, she imagines herself in the arms of her prince to be. She twirls and giggles in delight of this fairy tale she has created in her mind.

As it is only a fairy tale. Even the wish she wishes each night for a Prince Charming upon the first star that brightens the sky, she is believing in a make believe world.

I have not met everyone in the world. I have not interviewed or investigated every couple but I feel confident to say that there is no true live Prince Charming. There is no man that remains calm and loving at all times as the fictional Prince is in the story. But then that is a fairy tale isn't it?

In the little girls fantasy, I believe Prince Charming to be modeled as a life expectation more than of a man, that is, IF Prince Charming were real. Her mind and heart longs for a life of unconditional love, warm hugs, loving voice and calmness.

We all grow up and put away our childhood dreams. We discover those ideas of what life will be was only a dream.

Smooth sailing is untrue also. Even on the sea there are rough waters.

So tell me, what is there to believe in?

I would not want this to end up a sad story. So I will end it with this first hand knowledge that I hold. I believe all people have good in them, although with some people, the good is buried deep and takes time to fully develop. I believe all people who truly love and care for those they spend time with can actually spend a lifetime on this earth without harsh words or insult tossing. It may sound irrational and a little girl fairy tale belief but I hold onto that. I will continue to believe in that until the day I die.

I believe in the concept the of a Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty life. I believe that love is a beautiful experience that should not be missed out on. I believe that love can endure the rough seas and if given time, the turbulent waters will subside and be a thing of the past. I believe true love exists and is out there for each and everyone of us and isn't only in a dream. Love causes us to breath and our hearts to sing.

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