Saturday - It was going to be a hot day. One of my sons and I were on our way out of town and happened by the post office to check the mail. Our post master is great, always has a smile and is super helpful. She and I have become friends.
While I was inside we chatted for a minute. She said she was only working half day and was heading to the lake to jet ski with friends. She invited me to join them and told me where they would be.
You have to know something here. The son I was with is the one who thinks I should join Old Lady Anonymous. He also sees me only as a mom.
On the way out of town, I mentioned to my son what Tonya and I had talked about.
I was driving, thus had my eyes on the road, so did not get the full effect of the look on his face. I did sense a problem from the way he was suddenly silent and turned to give me a full view look.
I took short glances in his direction. I am a careful driver :)
Then I asked, "What?"
"Did she really say that mom?"
"Yes, she did, why?"
"She asked YOU to go or did she talk about what she was going to go at the lake and you are just joking?"
I was not sure how to respond. It was becoming clear that he thought of me as mom. Just plain old, buy me more socks, make my lunch, remind me again why the dishes need to be in the dishwasher, need to join Old Lady Anonymous person.
I kept silent searching for the best way to address his concern and shock that his mom is a person with friends and might, just might, try out a jet ski.
Then he hurt my feelings even more...
"Mom, come on! The post lady is like what....20 or 30 years old and you are OLD."
I have great control. My hand never left the steering wheel. :)
I would have said, "I'm tellin' ma!" but I am the mom. bummer
The post lady Tonya, is my age. Obviously she looks much younger to my son. bummer
Instead, holding back other words I had on the tip of my tongue, I told him how much I loved him and would he like me to buy him an Ultimate Cheeseburger at Jack in the Box.
For the rest of the morning, he was very compliant and kind to this old lady. What a good son.
Who would dare to not consider me a blessed mother
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