I will not call anyone crazy or foolish, however, I will refer to things done by myself or others as crazy or foolish acts.
Lately I have been engaged in crazy talk. Mostly with myself!
Some ordinary, everyday tasks that may seem mundane and common to you are not so in my world. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Not that I have met them, but I feel quite certain I am not alone in my thoughts and feelings.
At times, I believe my family, friends and the world, would be more blessed without my...
...my being me.
Current situation - I have somewhere to be tomorrow.
wanna go
don't wanna go
don't wanna go
Wanna go because -
a. it is where I want to be.
b. it is going to be a good learning experience in many areas for me and my future.
Don't wanna go because -
a. it is hard on my family when I am gone even a few hours let alone this trip of being gone for five days, thus causing me stress added to current stress.
b. there is someone at the location I am headed to that causes me to wave the red flag every time I am in their presence.
~~walk with me on a side trail for a moment if you will.
I love and adore my children, all five of them. I am certain I would not have survived the past several years as well as I have, if it were not for them. For their precious faces, attitudes, care and forever present entertaining ways.
One of my children I am very close with. Not sure how that happens. Maybe we think too much alike. He is caring and has a sense when I need an extra word of encouragement, an extra smile or helping hand with chores around the house.
He could see how I was feeling about this trip. He knows about the red flag person also. When I chatted with him yesterday about the situation, asking what his advice was when I run into that person this coming week. This is what he offered up in advice:
"Throw cocoa beans in their direction."
Do you agree that a hmmm is appropriate here? I had NO idea what he was talking about. I was sure he was not listening. What do cocoa beans have to do with anything I am talking about?
So I did the wise thing. I asked, not verbally but with my blank stare and silence.
He looked up from his cell phone where he had been texting friends while we were talking. He is such a great mulit-tasker! :) he smiled and reminded me that Willy Wonka got the Oompa Loompas to come back to work in his factory with cocoa beans. It's their favorite food.
"Oh." the blank stare moved into a 'I think one of us needs a straight jacket' kind of look. Being a patient person, I waited for the rest of the story, being certain there was more....
and there was...
"Mom, think of the red flag person as an Oompa Loompa. When you see them, picture yourself tossing cocoa beans in their direction."
Wow, I never thought about that.
Now most folks might have suggested picturing a person or group of people in their P.J.'s but not my son, he is much more creative. Oopma Loompa huh? Alrightee then
True, I will still have concern about being gone for so long but as for the red flag person, my heart is light, I have brushed the worry/burden off my shoulder.
This morning I checked my text messages on my cell. I scanned through and found two from my son. This is what one of them read:
"please wake me up when you are about to leave. and I mean right before you leave. and watch out for oompa loompas :-D "
a. it is where I want to be.
b. it is going to be a good learning experience in many areas for me and my future.
Don't wanna go because -
a. it is hard on my family when I am gone even a few hours let alone this trip of being gone for five days, thus causing me stress added to current stress.
b. there is someone at the location I am headed to that causes me to wave the red flag every time I am in their presence.
~~walk with me on a side trail for a moment if you will.
I love and adore my children, all five of them. I am certain I would not have survived the past several years as well as I have, if it were not for them. For their precious faces, attitudes, care and forever present entertaining ways.
One of my children I am very close with. Not sure how that happens. Maybe we think too much alike. He is caring and has a sense when I need an extra word of encouragement, an extra smile or helping hand with chores around the house.
He could see how I was feeling about this trip. He knows about the red flag person also. When I chatted with him yesterday about the situation, asking what his advice was when I run into that person this coming week. This is what he offered up in advice:
"Throw cocoa beans in their direction."
Do you agree that a hmmm is appropriate here? I had NO idea what he was talking about. I was sure he was not listening. What do cocoa beans have to do with anything I am talking about?
So I did the wise thing. I asked, not verbally but with my blank stare and silence.
He looked up from his cell phone where he had been texting friends while we were talking. He is such a great mulit-tasker! :) he smiled and reminded me that Willy Wonka got the Oompa Loompas to come back to work in his factory with cocoa beans. It's their favorite food.
"Oh." the blank stare moved into a 'I think one of us needs a straight jacket' kind of look. Being a patient person, I waited for the rest of the story, being certain there was more....
and there was...
"Mom, think of the red flag person as an Oompa Loompa. When you see them, picture yourself tossing cocoa beans in their direction."
Wow, I never thought about that.
Now most folks might have suggested picturing a person or group of people in their P.J.'s but not my son, he is much more creative. Oopma Loompa huh? Alrightee then
True, I will still have concern about being gone for so long but as for the red flag person, my heart is light, I have brushed the worry/burden off my shoulder.
This morning I checked my text messages on my cell. I scanned through and found two from my son. This is what one of them read:
"please wake me up when you are about to leave. and I mean right before you leave. and watch out for oompa loompas :-D "
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