I scanned the room. We all had common factors. All wearing badges, all adults in the same field of interest.
Uncommon observations - some take notes, some are upfront, some are in back. Some are coloring pictures and doodling, some are chatting instead of listening, text messaging is going on.
I wonder, of those uncommon observations, if interviewed, would we find that deep inside, we are all on the same page on this last day of the long convention...tired and burned out.
The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

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