Bishop made the first move in a chess game he was playing, just as it was intended to be, a game for pleasure.
Rook, in spy fashion, and while keeping an eye on Bishop, moved up and over on the chess board while knowing his intentions were not about the game. Rooks move was not for capture, which is a purpose of the game, but their own self-pleasure to gain control.
Bishop is distraught at the control attempt make by Rook and contemplates her next move.
Castle feels Bishops pain and makes a move straight and quick to Bishops side.
Rooks move - feeling in control, she moves in a more deliberate manner towards her goal.
Bishops move - and so she did. She makes it as creative and articulate towards the goal, attempting to keep her cool and remembering to keep her focus on the game.
Castle reminds Bishop of their support and slides across the board to Bishops side.
Rook, sensing Bishops confidence, jumps to move, closing in on Bishop for the purpose of creating fear.
Bishop goes on the diagonal across the chess board, while keeping as close to Castle as possible.
Castles move - He bonds tighter with Bishop and makes a move in protection.
Rook rages inside at the bond Castle is forming with Bishop and makes a move accordingly.
Bishops next diagonal move was made with anger rising.
Castle moves with concern and in silent support to the nearest appropriate location.
Rook waited to make her next move. Anticipating the mounting tension brought on by such a move to a victim like Bishop.
Bishop, no longer finding joy in what was claimed to be only a chess game, calculated the quickest way to check mate.
Life lesson
Rook needs to find a new hobby.
Bishop endured and experienced what a blessing Castle was and what a true friendship she had found.
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