Sunday, July 26, 2009

I know is going to be hot today. The weatherman said so and we ALL KNOW they ALWAYS know the facts!


So, I'm preparing. The fans were going early to cool the house. I will close curtains and adjust windows when the time is right.

Thing is - it is not always fool proof. Often by dinner time, on very hot days, the house is on the uncomfortable side and there is nothing I can do to bring relief other than hog the a/c.

Life lesson
I can prepare for an event or a day giving it my all and then some. But as life is life, and comes at me from all sides sometimes, it can cause me to feel the heat and uncomfortableness with no relief in sight.

I know, if I hold on to the one source that brings me strength and keeps me going, I'll make it through.

It is only for a season.
This too shall pass.

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