Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ever had company you did not invite? Sometimes people want in. They want in your circle, they want in your home, they want in your life. They have reasons of their own. Usually selfish reasons.

Most times it is not because they want to be your friend. In this case, it is obvious that's what is going on. Those who are inviting themselves in, simply want to know what they don't know - curiosity seems to be driving them. I wonder why.

I agreed to let them in, all the while knowing it is opening a door I would prefer to not open but having that knowledge, gives me an up on the whole thing.

Why are people so curious

It is another hurtful situation

I wish when people have questions they would just ask instead of playing the game.

...and so, I will deal with every aspect of it

...and so, life goes on

...and so, this too shall pass

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