The long drives, stuffed in the back seat of our Pink Rambler, in between two sisters is where I learned the art of throwing daggers with my eyes and how many songs can be sung with words like 'this' and 'that', causing the tongue to shoot in the direction of whichever sister you were mad at the time with. All the while, having an excuse in the lyrics of the song. All that, and plethora more...
About Me

- Pink Rambler Ramblings
- Me - Who and what: a woman overflowing with ideas and a need to put them into words. Why - For me to express. To share with others. Everything from very personal to random. Comments welcome and appreciated. Join my world.

Friday, July 24, 2009
I woke up feeling weary. It's becoming a pattern. At least it is - or I am, consistent.
This morning I got up a wee bite earlier than my normal early. Just how early would that be? You will have to figure it out for yourself but it was still a bit dark out. Did that help?
I got ready as quietly as I could for my morning. I had to go grocery shopping. No likey to shopy. Yes, I am a lady and I do like chocolate but the shopping thing is not so fun for me. Although I do enjoy the quiet it brings since I usually shop alone.
I sat in the living room and listened to the Message channel on TV. Do you do that too? For us local folks it is channel 826. I sat there and jotted down ideas for stories and chatted with the Lord. Oh, you didn't know He is an early riser also? true story
Finally 6:00 came and I could make more noise since people were waking for work. I got dressed and did some chores. Then came to the computer to check on a few things before heading out.
I was feeling calm and mostly ready to start the day but that all changed. Life does keep coming at us, doesn't it?
I read a message sent to me via email and it was hurtful. Why do people do that? They didn't exactly say anything mean but their intentions were not friendly. Know what I mean?
Stuff like that comes our way all the time, doesn't it? People rolling their eyes when you ask a question or sales people or a boss, short with you. bummer Some people don't think before they respond or speak. After thought doesn't work too well. The damage is already done...agree?
....and so I cried inside, keeping consistent with my pattern :) Got in my car and headed to town.
Only thing was this time I changed things up. I was given an ipod recently. I went over board and downloaded over 100 songs the first day. My smarty pants son told me that I could download possibly 5,000 songs. way cool he is so smart
I put the head set in and listened to Fernando Ortega and Chris Rice all through the store. I don't usually chat with people anyway as I am focused on the task at hand so that was consistent also.
I noticed half way through the store that I was wearing a smile.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? Remember, you don't like this store because it is all topsy turvy. True enough I was still walking in maze form through the store as they changed things again but I did it without arggggggggg and there was no stomping involved. :)
By the time I got to the register I was at peace.
Know why?
I took Jesus with me and left the distractions out.
I got a text from a friend who was feeling down. The text arrived just as I was loading up my car with two cart fulls of groceries...see what living with teenage sons does to my grocery bill? I was able to stop and text them back. I finally sat in my car and finished sending a few back and forth with them. Due to the filling up the Lord gave me and the distractionless (I know, that is not a word) morning, I was able to help them. We both felt great. Isn't the Lord wonderful.
Jesus Calling
What do you see when you look at your world today,
Is it so full of clutter that you feel like your going insane
But you can't fight back 'cause you're just too afraid
And it feels like the clouds in your sky don't wanna change
You see theres always another story
Another side to every coin
But how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
When you see the rushing wing, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lighting
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying it's okay
You're not alone, you may be scared to death
But I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
What do you see when you look at your world today
Do you see a glimmer of hope or has it all turned to gray
well start by counting you blessings one by one
And I'm sure right there you'll start to see the sun
You see theres always another story
Another side to every coin
But how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
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