A friend asked me to help them with some positive changes they are wanting to make in their life. Sometimes I hesitate with such requests. I try never to 'dive' into a task I might not be able to give my all to. Hmmm hard to explain but I hope you get my meaning.
Thing is, this friend has asked me the same request in reference to the same positive change numerous times over the years.
Would an argggggg be inappropriate? I will keep it to myself then.
However hurray, they acknowledge there is an area they need to work on, I am in agreement with that portion. Bummer that the steps they take to get there never seem to be successful. Honestly I think they are more of a hearer than a listener.
This is my observation. They recognize an area they need to adjust in their life, for their health and for those around them. Then, rather than seeking discovery in why they have the issue to begin with, they mask it and hold it inside, all the while, going through each day pretending to be a changed person. Making statements that they are a changed person. That person is no longer who they are. I can't even imagine how trying that must be for them.
I am telling the truth here when I say I can actually see them blowing up. Even on some days, I am sure they are blowing up balloons as their cheeks are puffed which means they have held back long enough and the explosion is about to take place.
They don't mean to, they just can't seem to understand the process and for whatever reason, don't seem to want to hear about it either.

So does that mean they really don't want to change.
Does that mean they have other reasons for making the statement that they want to change.
Hmmm again
When the explosion happens, it's not pretty. It isn't like the Fourth of July, but kinda sorta. There are the explosion sounds, yes I did say sounds. Anyone close by feels like they have been assaulted so hence the colorful display.
Back to the request. I consider myself a good friend. I prefer to find the best in people and focus on that. Someone stands before me wanting support even though I know the past pattern, even though I am weary of the presentations for the same request, my heart won't let me say anything other than yes, you have my support.
However, I feel sad in having no confidence that there will be success.
I feel sad in that I am now beginning to wonder what lies behind the sudden and timely desires to make a change....suspicious if you will.

And so, this time I am making a change for myself. I will not be offering up words to my friend. My support will be more silence in the way of words to them and sending my words heavenward with more fervent prayers. I am going to keep on keeping on while giving the WHOLE situation to the Lord. He is so much wiser than I am. He holds the answers, I don't. He is God and I am not.
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